
Sunday, June 20, 2010

A long time between drinks....

So I counted backwards yesterday, and worked out that I hadn't switched the sewing machine on for sixteen whole days. Now that's gotta be some sort of record for me.

I haven't had the energy to do much all week, but I really need to try to get back into the swing of things around here. On top of that, I have some lovely (and very patient) people waiting on custom orders, that I don't want to let down.

The first thing on the list was this little pinny for my cousins daughter. I totally love the fabric combo together, although I'm not 100% happy with the armhole facing. I need to rethink my method (I didn't follow the instructions, I just did it my own way.... not always the most intelligent thing to do).

I also finally shortened and re-hemmed my sisters jeans. Following along with this philosophy, there was no changing of overlocker thread to match as they're OFMS (only for my sister)....

It figured that it would have taken me longer to re-thread than the total time it took to re-hem!


  1. Even after 16 days- you still got the goods!

  2. Love the OMFMS theory , I must keep that one in mind 1

  3. Just gorgeous. Absolutely love the colours.

  4. Glad you're back in the sewing saddle - the pinny looks great and very curly popsicle!

  5. Love, love the pinny. I found that an all in one facing sat better than individual ones on little clothes. Just have to do that slightly fiddly thing on the shoulders though. Better go and hem some skirts too. Cherrie

  6. The pinny is cute. My parents kitchen had wallpaper with teapots in those colours when I was little.

  7. Please dont change the overlocker thread to suit each different project. I only ever use cream colour and NEVER change thread colour, even on dark colours. Somtimes I will sew an extra seam if the thread shows on the right side, but it's not very often! It's way too time consuming !

  8. Not too sure if you did it already, but if you cut the facing on the bias it should sit fairly flat.

    Of course it never works for me that way, but my mum assures me it should!!!

    (It's so nice to see you back)

  9. I love the colour combination of that pinnie. So pretty - the bold flowers work really well together with the strpey pockets.

  10. What do you mean OFMS??? If my only sister isn't going to go the extra yard for me, then what is the world coming to? Have I made you feel guilty yet?

  11. Cute pinny and overlocker - wow. They scare me!!

  12. Yay! Back to sewing! Hope you're back to feeling totally well again soon, too.

    Do you think that I may have unleashed a family of OFM excuses? I hadn't thought of the sister one, but it makes perfect sense to me!

  13. Man, that dress couldn't look more CurlyPopsy if it TRIED. :p

    I always just bid the armholes at that size if I can get away with it. Much simpler, lol.


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