
Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Creative Space

In my creative space thismorning - I'm trying to finish off the robot tees that I started making for the twins weeks ago.

Mr X coloured in the robot, and then I took the A4 size drawing to my sisters house to scan and print. Rather than going with my original plan of using the ink-jet printable fabric, I decided to just use t-shirt transfer paper.

I re-sized the robot to make it smaller for the tees, and then printed three robots onto one A4 page (I figured that I'd better make Moo Moo a robot tee too)!

In other news... I joined the Twitterati lastnight. I'm a little late, but I'm always happy for others to test out these new fangled things before I join in. You can find me as MsCurlyPops. I'm not promising that I'll be tweeting anything interesting though!

Grab a cuppa and pop on over to visit Kirsty for lots more fab creative spaces!


  1. Cool robots! Great idea using the kids own drawings for t-shirts, much better than all those licensed ones!

  2. Love this idea- I'm sure the twins will LOVE them too!

  3. The robots will be a huge hit.

  4. The robots are looking great - can't wait to see the tees!

  5. You joined Facebook so Twitter was the next step anyway. Love the colours you have used...well mr X used. It's the in our crafty space... If you make 1 and have space for another then you should make more while your at it.

    Xo Steph

  6. Your robots look great, can't wait to see them on the te shirts!

  7. Fabulous robots! The twins will wear them to death, I'm sure...

  8. A bit of a late adopter myself. Still waiting for the perfect Walkman to arrive in the shops. Funky robot action, Mrs...

  9. they definitely look pretty cool..and so are you Ms Curlypops.
    not even attempting to tweet..I'll go insane.
    bought some Milo today for the kids, first time ever :)
    hope you are well ♥

  10. the t-shirts are such a great idea!
    and welcome to twitter Ms Curlypops!

  11. cutest robots ever!
    i gave you a follow too :D

  12. I bet they will be a hit, what a funky little trio they will be in their robot tees!

  13. most people don't tweet anything interesting lol mostly pointless things :)

  14. Cool robots. They'd look fab on a tee.

  15. the robots are totally groovy. they're going to look brilliant on t-shirts.
    My Creative Space


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