
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

To Be Read With A Fine Scottish Accent

Well hello my lovelies.  It is I, Frances.  I was ever so delighted when a few of you suggested yesterday that it would be lovely to know a little more about me.  I heartily agree.  

So with my dear Ms CurlyPops away on her great adventure I thought I would share my story.

It's a wonderful story, I'm sure you'll agree, and goes back a good long way.  Way back to the wee land of Scotland where I spent my years as a young lass.

I come from a long line of talented and passionate craftspeople.  Our family has a history that goes back many generations.  We are known for our work throughout the land, including resident staff positions for the royal family.  My father was a tailor's assistant and my mother a designer and fine dressmaker. 

In my early 20's I was blessed with an opportunity to move to Paris and begin my own career in the fashion industry.  I worked with many of the great Parisian design houses and it was a time of great joy in my life.  I learned so much, met amazing people and attended wonderful parties and events.

I met my first love Jean Paul in my first year in Paris.  It was love at first sight and within weeks we were ensconced in a magnificent apartment filled with fine furnishings in the most luxurious array of colours and textures.  As it is with love that starts with an inexplicable burning passion our flame petered out and we went our separate ways.

It was then, in my third year in Paris, that I met the great love of my life.  Antoinette was a shining light in a dark world.  A seamstress beyond compare, she made couture unlike the world has ever seen.  We had a wonderful life together, filled with warmth and laughter and love.

My darling Antoinette was lost to me in a tragic accident, of which I cannot bare to speak.  It is enough to say that for many years I was left completely bereft.

I had to make a break, seek out a fresh start in a brave new world.  I bought myself a one way passage to Australia and sought work as an assistant with a kind tailor.  Marco took me in, and I worked by his side until he retired in early 2009.

And that is how I came to live with my dear Ms CurlyPops.  I placed an ad in the local paper looking for a live-in assistant's role and found myself in the colourful and creative home of everyone's favourite crafty soul.

These days I'm living a much quieter life, which suits me just fine.  I just love to work with Ms CurlyPops.  She's always coming up with amazing new ideas and stunning, colourful, bright, happy creations.  I can't imagine a better way to spend my late years.

When Ms CurlyPops goes out I like to indulge in the wee tipple of a fine Scotch whiskey, and a few hands of poker.  I've been teaching Houdini Dog and Bastard Cat the finer intricacies of the game.  I can't say that I find either of them to be strong competitors, but I shan't lose all hope yet.

With Ms CurlyPops away on the great adventure I've been keeping the house running, taking care of my household companions and dreaming up all sorts of sewing projects.  I can't wait to talk to my mistress when she gets home.

Do come home soon my dear Ms CurlyPops.   We miss you.


  1. Oh Frances, it's just wonderful to read your story. What an amazing life you have led.

    Perhaps you can teach me to play poker one day?

  2. Frances, thank you for sharing your wonderful and engaging story with us. I just popped over seeking Ms Curlypops completely unaware of her "Grand Adventure", what a pleasant surprise to find you here and telling tales. My own Tiny Alice has not led such a life but, she's young.
    Do watch the whiskey, we wouldn't want you to take a tumble, and look out for Houdini Dog, I hear he's a card shark!
    Do let Ms. CP know I stopped by and wished her well.

  3. i thought you were in scotland for a second there :)

  4. Oh Frances what a touching story of your life. I'm sure you will enjoy your life with Ms CurlyPops, she is such a sweet girl and most kind. Give her my love when you have a chance. It was nice getting to know you better.

  5. What an interesting and full life you've lead Frances. I'm sure you and CurlyPops will have much to share when she finally comes home. And do come home soon Ms CurlyPops, the blogoshere is most certainly not the same without you.

  6. Oh Frances, what an interesting life you have led. Glad you are taking care of the place for Curlypops, hope she's back soon feeling rested and healthy!

  7. Nice to meet you properly Frances. I’m missing Ms Curly Pops though; can you rewrite her itinerary and get her back on home soil soon?

  8. Thanks for sharing your story Frances and making sure the house is looked after!Make sure you send my best wishes to your lovely Miss Curly pop!And if she wants to go to Paris to find your old love I will come and translate for her :)xx

  9. Nice to meet you Frances....I'm sure Ms CP is missing you too. But I hope she's having fun wherever she is......


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