
Monday, July 19, 2010

Mon Cherie Francais

After trying on Liesl's wonderful beret at Sewjourn, I couldn't wait to make one of my very own!

My Beret Pattern arrived in the post Thursday morning, so I got to work Saturday afternoon, and whipped one up for myself.  It was super quick and easy - it only took me about an hour to cut out and sew (after I'd chosen the fabric from the stash). As with all Nikki's patterns, the step by step process in the instructions was a dream.

There are plenty of variations to choose from so that you can make it in a style that suits. I made mine up using the medium size, with a shallow crown.

I've got the puffy steroid face going on at the moment

I did consider making it in a bright vintage floral, but I thought it best to stick to a classic wool fabric in a classic Melbourne steel grey colour for the first one.

I wore it all day yesterday and it kept my head toasty and warm on such a cold winters day.

Of course, I couldn't possibly resist adding some colour via the lining fabric. I received this gorgeous pink and green floral from Tracey at Thrift Nest Sew..... and it just so happens, that it's the exact same floral the Bec used on her Panel Bag.

If you'd like to chuckle about what Liesl's beret got up to at Sewjourn, pop on over and visit Gypsy. It turns out that our Gypsy is quite a poet!


  1. Ooh la la! It's lovely to see the colour in the lining, so far I think everyone has made a grey beret! Is the lining cotton?

  2. Very nice beret! I think I will have to buy this pattern. I like the fun contrasting lining.

  3. You MADE that Beret!!!
    Full credit to your sewing expertise..and nikki's great pattern.
    I think another commission is in the works now!

  4. The grey looks great - love it!x

  5. Magnifique Cam!Suits you perfectly!reminds me that I have not sewn a beret for ages...Love that grey wool...may go hunting for some? :)xx

  6. Fabulous work, Cam! Glad you found it quick (and what were you sying a while ago about not being able to make hats...?). ;)

    Hope you're feeling better every day.

  7. Cam, the beret looks gorgeous. Can't wait to order the pattern and make one for myself!

  8. Cam it looks gorgeous. I wish my head could wear a beret

  9. Oh, I saw this on Nikki's blog yesterday. Now I am even more tempted...

  10. you're so clever you seem to be able to turn your hand to anything with no bother:) i love the lining.

  11. It's gorgeous Cam, I love the lining, I have some of the same fabric in my stash and can't decide what to do with it.

    ps. I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!

  12. Very stylish, Ms Pops! It looks so warm too.

  13. Every Winter I buy a wooly hat and every Winter I try to wear it but always feel like such a knob in a hat. I really like them but I always feel so over accessorised.... yours looks fab and it suits you.

  14. Gorgeous! You're so clever. I love the lining! It does look wonderful on you.

  15. I LOVE the beret. Its gorgeous and looks great on you.

  16. Oh nice! Looks good on you! And good choice of lining!

  17. I'm going to have to get this pattern you all look so stylish!
    Love the lining!

  18. You do fabulous au français! A possible french take on a Clarke Kent style Super Pops disguise?

  19. I love the grey .... and then I saw the lining! A delightful twist. Well done.


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