
Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Creative Space

Please excuse the photo quality - I only have my mobile phone on hand

In my creative space today (errr well yesterday anyway)....
I finally finished Susan's long delayed camera bag (sorry Susan)!

There were a few things that I forgot to pack and bring along with me, but I'd finished the machine stitching on this Monday morning, and I knew that I only had the finishing touches of hand stitching left to do. It's actually one of my favourite things to do right at the very end. It somehow makes it feel more handmade to me, when the last little bit is finished off by hand.

It's now on it's way to Susan, via Cathie (thanks so much Cathie)!
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the camera fits.

Also in my creative space - two very cute little munchkins came to visit yesterday and kept busy with lots of lovely oil pastel drawings. Just in case you haven't guessed it, on the left is a Hippo, and on the right is a very scary Lion!

A huge thankyou must go out to everyone who sent me get well wishes, and who took me up on my challenge to write extra blog posts to keep me entertained. I've hardly even had time to watch tv... I've been up to my ears in crafty reading on the internet instead!

Make sure to pop on over and visit Kirsty and check out all the other wonderful creative spaces on the list!


  1. The camera bag looks lovely. Hope you are on your feet again very soon.

  2. the new camera bag is both brilliant and gorgeous!!! hope you are home really really soon xx

  3. The camera bag looks fantastic, and so much better than anything you can get in the shops!

    Hope you continue getting better and that your visitors stay cute. ;-)

  4. I LOVE that camera bag! You are so clever!!

    Hope you're feeling 100% soon! :)

  5. Love the camera bag, it's gorgeous. Really hope you are out of there soon and back into your own creative space.

  6. Hope things are going well there Miz Curly! What a beautiful bag, not to mention hippo and scary lion!

  7. WOW it's fabulous!! Get better soon xo

  8. That is sooo gorgeous, she's going to be over the moon with that!
    Hope you're not too bored, and that you are home

  9. so good of you to let us drive you crazy yesterday Cam!
    hope you are doing ok today.
    hugs ♥

  10. tht camera bag is awesome!! i love it! its such a funky shape!

  11. That camera bag is brilliant! Love those oil pastel pictures too..hope you are feeling better & home very soon!

  12. great job on the bag! you're very clever Ms Curlypops.
    Also hope you are feeling better, on the mend, and back home real soon. x

  13. The bag is fabulous! I love the fabric you used.

    Hope you are out and about soon.


  14. It's gorgeous, Cam! I really love that I&S fabric, and it works so well for that bag.

    I'm glad you're finding some extra entertainment! Hopefully you will only need it for a little while longer...?

  15. Gorgeous. Very clever. You really can make pretty much anything, can't you? Get well soon. Lou.

  16. Another marvelous camera bag.
    Loving the drawings too. Very cool indeedy.

    Take care Cam. Thinking of you.

  17. That is a very scary lion - raaaaaaarr!

  18. I'm sure Susan is going to love her camera bag as much as love mine!

  19. Oooo - that is a very lovely camera bag! I love the shape. Well done! You need to turn this into an e-pattern and put it up for sale - I'd buy it! I have a couple of friends who'd love a bag like this for their cameras.

  20. Oh wow! I second the comment above - i'd buy the pattern for this in a second (well, I'd probably just buy the bag already made 'cos I don't think I could sew THAT!).

    Love the fabric choice - I used some in my creative space today as well.

  21. Gorgeous camera bag. Love the shape and colour. The lion and hippo are extremely good too. Very impressive drawing. Hope you are home soon.

  22. Love that camera bag!
    Hope you you are feeling better soon :)

  23. how slow i am not to run over to your blog to check out whether you'd put up photos when you told me it was finished ... it looks so good cam i wait to see it and you. i so hope you're feeling better and home soon, and i'm off to take another look!
    My Creative Space

  24. Yep, that camera bag is ace! I'm looking forward to being in the Curlypops camera bag club!

  25. That is one terrific camera bag. I like the shape and the way you have attached the handles.

  26. What a lovely camera bag! Brilliant!

  27. The bag is just gorgeous again Cam. You sound like you had a great time Mr Mrs M.E.X

  28. What an awesome bag, and such beautiful fabric! Hooray for kids who are the best medicine!

  29. the camera bag is fantastic. hope you are feeling chipper. it sounds like you have had a rough trot. tell the little artist that the lion scared the pants off me

  30. The camera bag looks great - so lovely and structured and with gorgeous fabric!

    Hope you're well and out again soon. xxx

  31. Absolutely gorgeous. My sister has a wonderful new camera that would sit in beautifully. Very clever you!

  32. This looks lovely cam! I love the Sumor print.

    I really hope you're getting better and will be going home soon.
    Take care x

  33. thats amazing!!!! man i hope to sew like that one day!

  34. Cam it's awesome! I love the fabric. Susan will love it - anyone would love it!
    Off to write you a blog post!

  35. love the bag, it looks really fantastic, turned out great!

  36. that is so bloody good...such a cool print and bag shape. its a fine line between going onto other blogs for inspiration and getting demoralised by how un-skilled I am!!

  37. I love the camera bag. That is awesome. I've been wanting to make something like that for my friend Sinead who is a hard core photographer. That must have been very fun to make!

    Hope you are feeling better.


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