
Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Creative Space

Not much creatively happening at CurlyPops HQ this week.

There's been just a little bit of tidying up, and a little bit of re-arranging so that I can finally get back into the swing of things. It seems that no matter how long I spend cleaning up this little space, it still looks like a huge mess! I'm taking consolation in the fact that at least I can see the cutting boards.... which is a start.

In the meantime, I've been enjoying all of the lovely things that have arrived in the mail lately.

Pip has lent me series one and two of the original BBC version of Life on Mars to keep me entertained while I'm recuperating on the couch. Thanks so much Pip! Somedays I wish I could travel back to the 70's... I just love the fashions.

Oh, and if you haven't entered Pip's Super Duper Crafty Night Off giveaway, it's being drawn at 6.30 PM tonight AEST (or maybe don't enter because I really want to win).

Liesl sent a lovely package of goodies with this knitting book, lots of chocolate (some of which has disappeared already) and a bathroom pamper pack. The knitting book has some really lovely large diagrams which may actually help me to get over my fear of knitting something other than a scarf for once in my life!

Another suprise package was waiting on the kitchen bench when I came home - full of gorgeous colourful goodies from Cherrie. I can't wait to make something with the floral tea towel.... just waiting for the perfect inspirational project to hit.... and after having a little chat with Cathie yesterday, I think it may be destined to be a cushion cover.

Thanks so much for brightening up my week ladies!

Of course, if you'd like to see some actual creativity (rather than just planned creativity), make sure to pop on over and visit Kirsty's ginormous list!


  1. I think it is almost impossible to have a tidy crafting space - all those scraps and threads...

  2. Must be good to be home!
    And that tea towel is just fab - very cheery!
    Love it!!!xx

  3. Oh gosh - that teatowel brings back memories as it shows my childhood summer stamping ground! Mudjimba Beach! Old Woman Island! I betcha Pincushion Island is on it too!

    Planning is good. I can highly recommend it!

  4. I have major fabric envy for that flowery pink/orange/yellow fabric. And I like the idea of cardboard on the back of my hoop, thank you!

  5. my space is neverrrr tidy! hehe i love that fabric! so pretty

  6. Hope you're feeling better soon. Life on Mars is FABULOUS! (especially series two I think!) Loving those tea towel fabrics :) Kx

  7. Good to hear you are home, take it easy!

  8. I always feel ready to craft when I can see the cutting boards. The guilts for all the unfinished projects seem to slip away then. BTW The Garfields (also thrifted) are for the little fellas - hope there are enough. Cherrie
    PS Like your new answering layout. Much easier to read. Is it from blogger?

  9. I think you might have to re-enter Pips competition. No 1 seldom wins. Hope you do though because I don't think I have time at the moment. Too busy playing Mum to all my kids. grrr

  10. I'm so impressed that you can see your cutting boards! That's at least 6 layers better than me at the moment...!

  11. Ooooh, the teatowl is my local map :) Cool!
    And if you can find the cutting board, you can eventually start a project. I am resigned to a mess in my crafty room.
    I hope you feel better soon!

  12. Do you have two chairs in there? That really must be what's causing double the mess, but who cares, be messy and proud!

  13. Totally is the same boat about the whole issue of tidying craft space- sometimes it seems pointless. Just as i clean up more threads and stuffing off the floor, more accumulates.
    looking forward to seeing what comes of the tea towel xo

  14. I always feel I have accomplished something when I have cleared enough stuff away to see the cutting mats too!

  15. hope you are recuperating well Miss Curlypops ~ tidying can always wait till later! It's like making beds, you always have to remake it the next day.

  16. What a great craft space you've got going on there...lucky you!

  17. It's so hard to get back into it after a bout of illness isn't it? You'll get there though. A tidy space certainly helps, maybe that's what I need to do!! Lovely goodies you've received there too.

  18. Gosh, lots of bloggy love in this post! I have that knitting book- such a good way to learn the basics. Enjoy! xo m.

  19. oooh, lucky girl! does that mean there are lots of knitting creations in your future!
    looking forward to seeing your cushion, my tea towels have an odd design placement so a little difficult to do. will show you next time I see you.
    have fun on Saturday ♥

  20. Sooo nice to be home I bet! You have such a great work space, looking forward to your knitting creations...

  21. tidying the crafting space is an accomplishment of the major kind. hope yo are feeling chipper

  22. What a great space it looks, and any planned creativity is better than none planned at all! :))

  23. it's so lovely you are home Cam. How wonderful to have LOM to watch I bought it a while back because I was renting it so often and I am absolutely smitten with John Simm yum yum is he. LOM and chocolate ..what more could a girl need

  24. A creative space sproose up!! The tea towel looks fab and life on mars UK version is da bomb... Hehe

    Enjoy that chocolate you lucky girl!!

    Xo Steph

  25. so nice to see where all the crafty goodness comes from.
    My Creative Space

  26. yay, we see the whole space, i love looking at that......i guess it's some kind of "wish you were here" bloggy thing:) lovely to hear you sounding happier too and i tried to comment before to say thanks for the syrup dumpling recipe. i love them but had never made them before. i think i'll save it for a claireyloo home alone moment so i can eat as many as i like :)

  27. You gotta show me that Garfield card!!! I collect all things Garfield, so you just gotta email me the pics!!!
    Hope you're doing alright! I've been and am still thinking of you!! hugs!

  28. Take care-looks like you have lots of things to contemplate and that series is just perfect-we so enjoyed it and I hope you do too

  29. Your creative space looks enviously clean to me.
    Hope your on the up and up by now.

  30. it looks how a creative space should, welcoming and with lots to do :)

    i love life on mars! :D


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