
Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Creative Space

I've finished off a couple of little projects this week, and the next things in my creative space are just in the planning stages.

First on the list is a custom camera bag for Michelle from Leni and Rose.

Michelle has sent through some lovely fabric, and detailed instructions of what she requires for her camera. So today, I get to play around and draw sketches and work out how to construct it.

While at Sewjourn on the weekend, Liesl was testing Nikki's brand new Beret Pattern. I absolutely adore beret's and after trying it on I was hooked..... so now I have grand plans to whip up my very own too.
There are beret's popping up everywhere it seems!

Don't forget to visit the hostess with the mostest to play along too!


  1. Have fun designing the camera bag and I just love the fabric pictured with the beret pattern.

  2. I love the beret fabric as well! It looks gorgeous. I hope you show your finished headpiece.

  3. I always think you're camera bags are amazing, and the level of design and construction in them baffles me.

  4. Berets are so RIGHT NOW - good for you!

  5. I do love Berets - i have a big head which is always a problem though! Custom made is the way to go!x

  6. oooh, that fabric will make a gorgeous camera bag, hope we see the finished product
    and oui ~ berets seem to be very in right now

  7. Love your fabric colours!
    That is it, I see this beret pattern everywhere too, looks like Nikki is converting the nation to art of making and wearing beret "et parler Français"!! hehehe;)

  8. The Beret is such a lot of fun. I can't wait to see yours.

  9. Love the fabric you're going to use for the camera bag - can't wait to see what goes where. Have fun with the beret pattern (and you know its not finished unless at least 6 other people try it on, right?)

  10. Yes ... I love a good beret too.
    Good luck with the camera bag - not that you need it - looking forward to seeing it when it is all done. Take care.

  11. I remember Michelle not being sure which fabric to choose ... and I love what she's picked. Definitely me ... although I wouldn't be able to resist a little red in there too! I can't wait to see what she wants. PS We'l miss you tonight.
    My Creative Space

  12. Yummy, yummy fabric! Loving all the beret action going on too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  13. Ah yes, berets. They are so cute.

    Love the fabric combination, especially with those checks!

  14. Your camera bags are fantastic, and the fabrics are great.

  15. You don’t want to whip me up a dress with that black and white fabric instead hey???? I have a bridal shower to attend next week with a black and white theme and I’m stalling on the dress making project!!

  16. Thats going to be one well dressed camera, you are conquering the world of boring camera accessories one bag at a time! :)

  17. I LOVE the fabric that Michelle has picked! this could well be the most stylin' camera bag out there!

  18. LOVING that retro floral material!! Gorgeous print!


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