
Sunday, August 22, 2010


I'd almost forgotten about these quirky little cards....

I found them at the oppy a few weeks ago when I whisked away Nikki's wee girl, to go on a little treasure hunting mission.

Can anyone tell me what game the animal cards are used for? They're in multiples of four of each type of card, and each card has a letter and a number. They weren't in their original packaging.

I also found this Old Maid card set.... which is so totally politically incorrect. I'm guessing from the illustrations and the font, that it's early 1970's (must be after the moon landing as it includes Moonwalker Wally).

I'm off to enjoy the lovely sunshine.... have a happy Sunday!


  1. Love these cards, great find! Not sure of the game though.

  2. Hi Cam,
    I'm pretty sure the first set is gin rummy. I've collected other gin rummy sets & they all have the letters & numbers. I haven't seen that set before. Great find! I recently scored some old maid cards too, one card is 'lady midget'... not very PC now is it.
    Have a happy sunny sunday!

  3. LOVING the animal cards. And the Old Maid set.... well, the whole premise of that game is a bit non-PC and just-plain-wrong, isn't it? Great finds.

    The wee girl is still playing with her treasure chest.

  4. I've got a set of those exact same animal cards at my parent's place from when I was a kid! Would you believe that I can't actually remember what we played with them...whoops. Knowing my mum the original packaging might be around somewhere so I'll see what I can discover.

    And Cam? Glad to see you posting - glad that you're home. So pleased you're feeling better.

  5. OMG I LOVE that old maid set... LOVE I tell you, what are you going to do with it...? ...aaargh I am so jealous it hurts!

    Hurray for sunshine, we best enjoy it while we can, the week ahead looks like it might be less than ideal. Phooey.

  6. You find the best stuff! It's funny, but for all your worry about political incorrectness, not much has really changed in the workplace. There's something in that...

  7. Nurse Nell is kinda freaking me out.

  8. Oh my gosh, I had that set of animal cards when I was a little kid, I can't remember what we played with them though sorry! I will have to look in our old game box next time I am home and see if they are still there!

  9. I reckon the top one is some kind of rummy maybe- I had a yogi bear set similar! I also had on old maid set very similar and equally un PC- mine is much more worn though!!

  10. Great finds! I love stuff from the 70's, some really great illustrations there.

  11. My Nanna & Poppa had that Old Maid set, we used to play during school holidays. Tutu Terri was my favourite card.

  12. So cool Cam...Libby love green..HAh! Great find indeed.

  13. I used to play Old Maid but cant think what to play with the others. Showing my age here, haha

  14. Hah - these are fabulous. What are you going to do with them? And I haven't got a clue what game they would be used for either!

  15. those are great illustrations :D I wouldn't say that the cards are completely politically incorrect, nurse nell looks like a cross dresser :p

  16. Awww those animal cards are reminding me of something as a child, swap cards I think. I don't recall them having numbers, but the characters do look familiar.

  17. Oh Cam they are gorgeous, I especially love the animal ones. xo

  18. Those animal cards are gorgeous! Glad some other people have been able to tell you what game they are for - I had no clue! They would be great as alphabet flashcards though!

  19. what a find, they are gorgeous. and i think motorcycle mike looks hot

  20. Wow Cam those cards are fantastic

  21. I had that Old Maid set growing up in the 70's and 80's! Classic, what a great oppy find :)

  22. OMG!!! my grandma bought those animal cards for me when I was kid! We played Snap with them and Go Fish. I'm pretty sure they were billed as multi-purpose.

    What a great memory and a big smile that you've brought me.

  23. oh and we used to use them for Memory and as practice for learning colours and numbers.

  24. They are very cute cards.......and I was about to write what they might be but looking at them again they aren't the same.


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