
Friday, August 20, 2010

Eeeny Meeny Miney Mo....


  1. Blah! Greens. All the others in our seat are knobs. Not even going to mention the other knob. I can say that. I'm a Territorian ;) xox

  2. Urgh the pressure of picking the best of the worst....

  3. Choose wisely grasshopper! Hooray for prepoll voting - we did ours last week and it was such a relief!

  4. Wow - looks like a complicated system! I'm used to just putting an 'x' against the one person you 'want' to vote for. Usually none of them are worth much, but I vote on principal (my Dad always said that if you didn't participate, you couldn't moan about who you were landed with and that's stuck with me!)

  5. Is that Kevin Rudd's nephew? If so, I didnt realise he was running against Julia. Controversy! Well, I'm clinging to some kind of excitement anyway.

  6. There is always the Donkey vote. However it is our constituitional right so have a go.

  7. Decisions, decisions ... one thing for sure donkey voters are asses! Off to pre poll ... one vote could make a difference.
    Have a wonderful weekend Cam, your creations are fun, alive, totally awesome. xo

  8. Close your eyes and spin around! Love your "flicky" pictures and will be trying it soon well one day .

  9. Oops I hope you are feeling a little better .

  10. I remember this line from “Looking for Alibrandi”:
    “we don't vote to keep the best party in - cos there's no such thing - but we vote to keep the worst party out.”

  11. Ha, KRudd's nephew, Julia and...?Marc Aussie-Stone? I'd vote for him, just for his crazy name!

  12. I'm just looking forward to the sausage sizzle & cake stall out the front of our polling booth and some garage sales.

  13. Wow, you actually get to vote for or against our PM?! Ooh the p0ower! I hope you wield it wisely.

  14. Hmmmm... isn't that coloured bit of paper a lovely colour....

  15. I have done my postal vote and voted GREEN GREEN GREEN yay Greens

  16. The unfortunate thing is that our electorate is the safest labour seat in all of australia, so whether she gets PM or not, Julia is safe as houses. Hope the greens get a seat though, apparently they reckon they might. :)

  17. Oh my! You have Julia on the page! What power you have! x

  18. How cool, getting to vote (or otherwise!) for the current PM!

  19. i'm just wondering what we could make out of those pretty papers. origami, a collage maybe. hope you are feeling a bit better cam


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