
Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Creative Space

My poor little hard working Janome was picked up and taken away by the nice service guy thismorning (who, of course managed to arrive at my house early enough to catch me still in my pyjamas).

In the meantime, Mr Husky will be keeping me company..... I hope he plays nice.

The home of my creative space

PS - I've reached my 5Gb limit for the month so I'm back to dial up speed for the next few days.... ugh!


  1. Oooh, lucky you have a back up! No fun to be without your tools for too long! That camera bag turned out beautifully. I'd love to see what you could do with a nappy bag!(One track mind at the moment!)

  2. Poor old Janome! Mine's gone to the clinic too. Hello Mister Husky!

  3. How lucky that you have a spare machine, and a service guy that does house calls to pick up! I am also very jealous at how tidy and nice your sewing area looks :)

  4. I love your thread stand. Not too closely packed which is great or they all fall off when you reach for one. Cherrie

  5. Your Husky is very pretty! Happy Back-up sewing.

  6. My machine needs a little TLC too but, I'm having a hard time giving it up right now. I need a back up :)

  7. This looks like a very organised creative space. Ooh i don't like being caught in my pjs, usually happens when the JWs come around!

  8. Hope your Janome is back with you soon. House calls - what great service!

  9. get well soon j-nome. my poor harry husky fell over twice last week, smash straight off the rickety old card table. so, he is off to the fix it man. impressively neat space you have there

  10. oh..hope you get your Janome back at the soonest. enjoy your day! :)

  11. Oh, my heart aches for your dial up speed. I HATE it when that happens.

    Hope your machine returns in the best, eager to race, condition!

    p.s. I don't know how many times our parcel delivery mad saw me in my pj's. :(

  12. Hard being without the main squeeze... but I hope it's a good reunion!

  13. Janine (my Janome) is due a service soon - wish I had a back up machine!

  14. Wow - what a tidy workspace! I aspire to that level of organisation (and a thread rack!). Hope your machine comes back refreshed and ready to sew from it's 'holiday'.

  15. I do hope Mr Husky behaves like a true gentleman for you.x

  16. Love all those ordered & within reach!

  17. even hard working Janomes must long every now and then for a little holiday.
    My Creative Space

  18. I hope Mr Husky plays nice....I hate sending away my machine for servicing, I feel lost without it. x

  19. How great that the repair man comes to you to get the sewing machine. That is wonderful.

  20. How organised are your threads! very impressed

  21. Lovely thread stand and glad to hear you have a back up machine and that someone in this day and age actually picks up things to be fixed! I imagine the posties round my area think I live in my pjs...parcel post is too early for me!!;0) xkate


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