
Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Creative Space

I'm kinda glad that I didn't bring any stitchy projects with me this time (even though the real reason I didn't pack any was because I didn't think I was going to end up staying).

It's quite surprising that there hasn't been that much spare time in between treatments, and med students, and student doctors (and visitors and op shopping and trips to the cafe). I haven't had a moment of boredom yet, and I've actually just enjoyed the doodling and the colouring in....... it's been a good stop/start project that I can pick up or pack up quickly.

I don't usually like wasting time. I'm always trying to cram as much as I possibly can into each and every day, just in case I run out of time. I suppose that's one of the things that you do worry about when you know that there's going to be a point where there is no more spare time. It's also hard for a control freak to admit that they have no control over the current situation!

So for the moment, I'm going to just 'go with the flow'.... and keep on scribbling and doodling.

The home of My Creative Space


  1. Oh, we are so alike Cam it's a little scary. No harm in going with the flow sometimes though, you never know where you might end up.


  2. Your 'doodling' is beautiful. The colours and the designs, they really are works of art. Take care.:)

  3. Your drawings are beautiful. Nice that you didn't take something stitchy with you and nice that you are not bored. Keep going with the flow!

  4. Your artwork is great! I'm glad you haven't had time to be bored yet, sounds like you are doing well at going with the flow, take care..

  5. Love your pencil roll there :)
    You take care.


  6. Oh! Hope you're feeling a bit better! I like your drawings :)

  7. glad you aren't bored & you are creating beautiful things.
    thinking of you ♥

  8. your drawings should brighten up your space!

  9. LOVE all that color!

    i just love it! =-)

  10. that "flow" is definitely coming through in your artworks - love them! best wishes x

  11. Your doodling is looking lovely Cam. I hope you are home soon.

  12. Shades of Tinniegirl in that middle one! Next thing we know you'll be setting up your own exhibition. Cherrie

  13. your drawings are soooooo beautiful Cam really stunning

  14. Work on getting better, Cam. Otherwise, before you know it, you'll have re-upholstered and art-worked the entire ward!

    And then they'll have to list the op-shop on the ASX because it's suddenly making so much money!

    Praying you're home soon.

  15. Oh Cam that's gorgeous. Imagine it framed or ontop fabric as a summer bag - yum. Hope you're out of there soon. xo

  16. Wow Cam. I really hope you keep going with these even when you're back in the stitching zone. I think you're incredibly talented and I'd love to see some of these as prints.

    As for time, who knows when any of us will run out of time really.

  17. Love the colour in the first picture, seriously gorgeous!
    All the best to you, stay well.

  18. Your doodles are amazing Cam, I don't think you need a drawing class. hope you are feeling better and free soon. xo

  19. Hugs hugs hugs to you. So great that you are filling in the inbetween times. The gorgous colours and beautiful drawings are so happy and

  20. sorry to hear you were back there this week, particularly if you weren't planning on staying, but I think you are making wonderful work of your time there ~ a perfect time to just go with the flow

  21. Hope you are home soon. Your gorgeous coloured pictures are a delight, glad you are finding something great to do to keep you occupied and relaxed.

  22. Hope you are home soon! Sketches are great - nice to have a change sometimes!

  23. Hi Cam - your drawings are bright and lovely. I hope you get better and get home soon. Nic

  24. Scribbling and doodling, works of art I would say.

  25. So glad that drawing is helping keep you occupied. Hope your back in your own space soon and able to be in control again. Take care Cam.

  26. But you haven't wasted any time Cam ... you've just got in touch with another side to your craftiness and it looks amazing. Is there nothing you do badly (and I'm not envious of how clever you are ... well, not much anyway).
    My Creative Space

  27. Love your drawings Cam , you are one multi talented girl !

  28. HI Cam! Your illustrations are fabulous! I just love all those bright colours! I am thinking that you should turn them in to fabric designs for your bags!

    Take care and rest up xoxo

  29. Love the doodling, Cam, lots of bright cheery colour. Hope you are out of there soon. Take care.

  30. Wonderful colours, Cam. I think you should scan them, transfer them to fabric and make truly unique and beautiful Curlypops creations from them. Sending you lots of good vibes from my corner of the world and hope you're out of there and back home soon. x

  31. Oh I am THE MASTER of wasting time Cam... trust me... you can get used to it. ;)

    On a whole other note - love your pictures! So bright & retro looking... groovy baby! lol

  32. Loving your doodling. The colours and lines are very vibrant!

  33. Wow, that is some psychedelic drawing fabulousness you have going there Cam. Do try to keep going with the flow. There is no deadline - apart from the one that we all have. Drawing and making art is not wasting time, it is reveling in it! Revel in every moment, and do the things you enjoy.

  34. Sorry to hear you're back in hospital. Great to see you're keeping busy there though.
    Hope your stay is not too long.

  35. Just lots & lots of love Cam.

    I'm really enjoying watching your drawings take shape.

  36. Wow you can draw, so well. Fabulous. Take care.

  37. I love the colours! They look so happy!
    I hope you're home soon.

  38. your drawings are not ever, even a bit, not even close to a waste of time. they are very ace. i wish that i could draw. hope you are feeling better and the speed hump is a tiny one

  39. Lots of love to you Cam. I hope you are up and out of there really, really soon. Love the drawings you're working on. And time...yep, no one really knows now do they? X

  40. That's some pretty rad doodling! Maybe you need to take a leaf out of Tinnie's book in regard to some 'prints'. We all know what a superhero you are in the stitching department.

  41. Hi Cam - just reading of your repeated visits to the hospital. I'm enjoying your drawings. Very bright and cheery - just what the doctor ordered. :)

    x Tracey

  42. Hope you're getting well.
    All those fantastic colours must be making you feel better. They sure made me smile.
    Look after yourself!

  43. Wow keep doodling Cam, looking very cool!

  44. You know, those pictures just makes me smile!

  45. I hope you are on the mend, soon. Love the drawings - they are much more than a doodle! xxx

  46. Very artistic doodling, love the bright colours!

  47. Sending you good thoughts from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada! As one does on the internet, I stumbled onto your blog. Your drawings are so lovely. The colours vibrate off the pages! The energy of your work reminds me of the lush paintings of Séraphine de Senlis, if you haven't yet seen it, watch the French film "Séraphine." Keep drawing and hope your home soon!!


  48. Oops - I meant "you're" home soon and feeling much better!


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