
Thursday, August 26, 2010

My creative space

It's been a long and busy week so far - trying to sort out my taxes and financial reports, and lots of testing and appointments happening (which always suck up waaaaaayyyyy toooooo much time).... so I didn't get a chance to finish the Medicare project.

The black and white statement was looking a little bland, so I put it back through the printer and added some tulips. I'm promising myself that I WILL get this done today!

I've also started working on a little side project just for fun.

Cate from Polka Dot Rabbit is curating an Exhibition as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. It's called Home Is Where The Craft Is.

From Cate's Blog:

The purpose of this exhibition to explore the role of women's crafting as part of and related to one’s home. The items crafted may have a functional purpose at home as opposed to being simply created for artistic or creative purposes.

Crafting is usually carried out in the home, often in a communal area or shared environment such as a kitchen table, living room couch or spare room. The creative process often intersects with other tasks of home life such as watching telly, waiting for the washing machine to finish etc.

The name of my collection for the exhibition is Containment. I'm aiming to make various pieces whose function will be to contain some sort of object or thing. The beauty of a project like this, is that I can be as creative and wild and wacky as I feel like.

That should keep me busy at home for the next couple of weeks!

Now I'm off to check out all of Kirsty's other amazing creative spaces...


  1. Your collection idea sounds very interesting Cam, good luck! (And I'm giggling to myself about your medicare statement crafting lol)

  2. Your new project looks very exciting!
    And those tulips do make the statement look alot
    more interesting! (tulips are my fav flower!)

  3. woah crazy wiring!
    isn't it waay late to be taxing?
    i'm just sayin'....

  4. I love your doodles Cam, they look fantastic printed out and Im intrigued about your little side project...

  5. That first bit sounds a bit weird doesnt it!

  6. Your collection sounds fascinatuing - I look forward to seeing it develop. Can't wait to see what you do with the medicare statement

  7. i never knew you could get fabric for the printer, how cool, but don't you hate it when you leave something special in and print something bland! frustrates me no end!
    your project looks very intriguing!

  8. Tax. Blah! All I have to say about that.

    Very interesting side project you have going on there. Look forward to see how it all works out xox

  9. I love the sound of this Containment. I'm very excited to see it come together. xo

  10. I love how you pimped up the medicare My eyes glaze over normally at the mention of medicare or other govt agencies, now you wouldn't mind opeing the envelopes if they looked pretty like that :)

  11. That paper looks a whole lot more exciting with colour, doesn't it?! Very fresh. Good luck with it and the exhibition-sounds exciting.

  12. I can't even begin to fathom what you are cooking up. But I am holding on to my hat!

  13. ooohh can't wait to see what you are making with that wire.....

  14. Love your medicare statement with tulips... so very interested to see what you have planned for it.

  15. those fabrics look yummy! so cute about adding tulips to your statement:)

  16. your printed doodles are great cam. the exhibition sounds interesting, can't wait to see what you create

  17. That is certainly the prettiest Medicare report I've ever seen! I love the concept of the piece you're doing for the exhibition, I'm looking forward to seeing the result!

  18. Oh that all looks very interesting Cam!And what a great idea with the medicare and drawing inspired fabric!Very clever :)!x


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