
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New at Georgie Love

Are you looking for a little winter pick-me-up by any chance?

Then why not pop on over to Georgie Love and find something to brighten your day.

I've just delivered some brand new brooches, that are now in stock and ready to snap up!


  1. YAY! I've been peeking at Georgie Love wondering if you'd have more colors of your flowers - i'll have to take a look-see at what other colors you now have available...
    the lace brooch is so colorful =-)

  2. The lace brooch is a favourite. I wish I had cash to speeeend... must... resist... must... not... purchase...

  3. They're beautiful!
    Especially the orange ones... Love em!

  4. Lovin' those tweedy numbers...


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