
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Playing with Print

I've been continuing on with my drawings in dribs and drabs since I've been home, and I finally scanned the ones that I'd completed.

I've added some borders and some watermarks, and printed them onto inkjet printable fabric. I love how the fabric gives the drawing even more texture.

Whilst finally organising my taxes yesterday, I also managed to print my Medicare Tax Statement onto inkjet printable paper..... hmmmm wonder what I can sew with that!

I have a little project in the works for these..... I'll show and tell once I'm finished.


  1. wow cam, they look fabulous on the fabric. I adore the tulips...the texture just brings them out even more.
    I can not wait to see what you have planned to do with them...and how funny that you printed your medicare on the good sheet...not funny at the time I'm sure. How'd the taxes end up. Hope your getting a nice big return (:
    Jay xx

  2. They look just gorgeous on the fabric! Great idea. Please come up with a project for that medicare statement, you will crack me up forever!

  3. Hehe, I love reading your blog because you always tell the funny stuff. I'll be giggling about your fabric Medicare tax statement for the rest of the day. You can frame it with Nurse Nelly from the Old Maid card set perhaps... (love your drawings too, of course)

  4. I've really enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your drawings lately. Wonderful stuff...:)

  5. Your prints look amazing, such a great idea!..oh the possibilities for the medicare statement, I love it! for my cabinet, I'm a bit stumped, I was thinking a new coat of paint, maybe a vintage paper top & new handles...

  6. wow Cam!!! they are fantastic, the texture makes them pop out.
    yes please, do something with that medicare statement.
    everytime I see a medicare card now I will think of your 'lovely' accidental print ;)

  7. Yay, you're a fabric designer! They look great.

  8. cam these are absolutely stunning, being printed on the fabric just adds something special and takes them to another level.

  9. Wow - these have made me go 'WOW'!!
    Incredible how the fabric has made them even more stunning - adds a whole other element to it.
    Can't wait to see what happens next!xx

  10. So, so LOVING the white background flowery one. Now off to find your new niche Cam...

  11. Cam, these are really, really, really good! So terrific on the fabric. You have a huge talent!

  12. These are GREAT!! Truly. Love them!!

  13. There's a silver lining to each dark cloud - you could be a major fabric designer in hiding!!!

  14. Wow, Cam, they look fantastic. Way to make excellent use of your confinement.

  15. hehehe, I bet a Medicare statement never looked so good! ;)

  16. Wow Cam they look great especially on the fabric.

  17. They are beautiful. Love the red tulips.

  18. That is just so amazing! You've given me a great idea!

  19. They absolutely fantastic - and I didnt even know you could get inkjet printable fabric (maybe because I dont have a printer)

  20. I see a new fabric designer on her

  21. Woohoo... They looked wicked on paper but this is mind blowingCam!! Hi-5!!

    Xo Steph

  22. These are just amazing - Now I'm thinking another coat on the medicare statement and you should be able to put it too good use??

    Can't wait to see what they become.

  23. These look absolutely stunning! Well done!

  24. Hey they look fantastic!! It's true the fabric makes them look even better with the texture! Cant wait to see what you make with them!
    So glad you're home, hope that means you feel better. Send me your address again please :)
    Kris xx

  25. they look stunning cam. the fabric texture brings them to life. you are a talented lassie. everything you do has such a professional look. love them

  26. very cool :D they look great printed on that!

  27. Just fabulous - can't wait to see what becomes of them!

  28. These look just gorgeous on fabric. I'm enjoying this new direction of yours.

  29. Wow, they look amazing, you are so right about the texture - so when are you designing your own fabric line?
    He he re: the medicare tax statement, that is some thing I would do. I know you will make a good use for it though :)

  30. wow! These look amazing! love love love them!

  31. They are fantastic! The fabric really takes them to another dimension.

  32. Cam, they are THE MOST beautiful cards. You clever, clever, girl. I am going to try some of that paper myself. I love the Medicare purse! Lisa x


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