
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Scribbles

After following along with Tinniegirls Journey over the last few months, it's really got me thinking about how much I loved art when I was in high school. Unfortunately, I had to ditch all of the art subjects that I loved and concentrate on maths and science in order to follow my chosen career path.

Then this week, Jess blogged about taking a drawing class, which got my brain whizzing around even more.

I can't really take on any classes at the moment, but I think that I really should spend some time just doodling around for fun.

Inspired by my favourite vintage fabric (that I used to make my pen roll), this is the first of my scribbles. It's perfect timing considering that I seem to have so much spare time on my hands at the moment!


  1. You got skills Cam! lol, Sorry to see you are back in hospital! But on the upside the little gift I was going to send you is more applicable now :) I still need your ring size if you can be bothered?
    In the mean time, chin up, you could be a famous artist one day! :)

  2. I am another who loved art but had to take the maths /science path too... I love your "scribble" (but it's more beautiful than most scribbles I see!)

  3. Wow - stunning Cam!

    And I love your fav vintage fabric!x

  4. very cool Ms Cam!
    I always did art subjects & graphics as I always failed maths & science with scores that would make you laugh!
    well done on getting the ol sketch book & colours out.
    hope you have a good day today & see you tomorrow afternoon after we drop off AMelie @ kinder.

  5. Love your doodling. Such great colours and I love flowers ;-)
    So sorry to see you are banged up in that place again. Looks like a nice sunny spot at least.
    I did Physics and Chem in the HSC (cos I thought I wanted to be a vet back in year 10!) but luckily discovered Graphic Design before I finished and got lots of drawing classes at Art School. They are lots of fun if you ever have time.

  6. Love your scribbles - hardly scribbles though. Far more talented. Love the colours.

  7. yes imagine what you'd come up with if you actually allowed yourself time to do just that, going by what you have just 'scribbled'. i'd be pretty pleased with myself if my scribbles were that gorgeous.


  8. Great doodling, keep up the good work.

  9. I still covet a set of derwents in the tin - maybe a set of 24. I longed for them as a little girl but they were always so expensive. Maybe I'll treat myself now I'm a grown up. Love your colourful doodles!

  10. Love it! Don’t love that you are back in the same place again with so much time on your hands. I hope you are on the mend soon and that this trip is a short one.

  11. loving your doodles, I think drawing for fun is the best.
    Perhaps some time in the future you might be able to do a course or something ( not that it looks like you need to)
    I will keep my ear out for anything down your end.
    I'm so sorry you've back in "there" again, I hope it's the quickest visit ever.
    big hugs

  12. love your pencil roll! I hope you feel better soon xx

  13. this is sooo cool Cam, you are so talented and you should start an art journal, it's so much fun for all sorts of things, ideas, just doodling, being creative without pressure, getting messy I could go on and on, you won't regret it you won't live without it once you start

  14. ps art journal inspiration is on youtube by the ton, if I am not well enough to make art in my journal I spend way too much time watching others doing it on youtube xx

  15. Dejavutwo! A rhyme! What a bugger that you're back in the clink Cam! Best wishes for good healing and better-than-dodgy food. xoxo

    Oh, you are an ace artist! I love your doodles. keep them coming!

  16. Sorry 'bout the having so much time on your hands Cam.

    Good on you for "glass half full"ing it with the drawing though. x

  17. You should definitely keep up the sketching. I might even see if I can dig out some inspiration for you next time I pop in. Can't wait to see this piece finished.

  18. Sending love to you Cam- poor you, I must say though I am loving the flowers- really gorgeous. i actually made a pact with myself a little while ago to stop saying "I can't draw' I CAN draw. I can. And if I stop comparing myself to everyone else then I will feel better about it and not be so harsh about my capabilities. .

  19. Awww honey!! I am glad you can still be creative though... The flowers reminded of when I watched Yellow Submerine as a child... That's a good thing!!!

    Xo Steph

  20. Oooh they are gorgeous. Love the flowers. what comes next?

  21. Beautiful scribbles. Great colours.
    I think we're all looking forward to seeing some more!

  22. Great looking scribbles! Love the colours and the patterns.

  23. That's so pretty! Love the colours. You are very talented, Cam. x

  24. Love it Cam. We should all take some time out and do what we love doing!

  25. Good on you to take the pencils /pens/markers and follow your heart!I understand what you mean about Science and math, sometimes it is hard to allow yourself to be "arty creative" if you were not allowed before ...but worth it!Hope you go home soon too,sending you big E-hug!

  26. Scribbles? Scribbles?? You're in trouble miss! Your work is just lovely - and not at all scribbly. More please!

  27. Oh they are the best looking scribbles I have ever seen! Glad there is something to keep you creative and 'normal' while you recover xox

  28. Hiya, just wondering what sort of markers you use to do your wonderful colourings? Best wishes, K x


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