
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

When life gives you lemons...

Please excuse the poor quality of my mobile phone photos

 Wonderful friends come to visit bearing yummy peanut butter cupcakes...

.... and the on-site oppy provides some vintage gems...

Now I just need to work on breaking out of here!


  1. The cupcakes look worth a trip to hospital for, as do the dresses. Obviously you are now ready to leave as you have loot.

    I'll come and break you out anytime. Just send word!

  2. Seriously??! Your hospital has an op shop??!!!! Why would you ever want to leave?!!!!!

  3. Fingers crossed you can take your loot and go home soon. Still, it is quite a nice day to be lying in bed, very cold and wet outside!

  4. I am sure i can round up a balaclava and a minivan if you would like ;) hope they let you out soon!

  5. Gorgeous dresses! And the cupcakes looks divine too.

  6. are you sure you're not deliberately going back in there for the oppie!

  7. Oooo they looks deeelish ... did Cath bake a file into them for you to bust your way out of there? Hope it's not for too much longer. Hospital market days saved my sanity when I did a stint. Hang in there, you're much loved by many.♥♥♥

  8. Get well soon Cam.
    PS - They are very good finds from the oppy. I especially like the second one. Lou.

  9. I thought you were joking about the in-hospital oppy! Awesome! I love the blue dress, very cute (^_^)

  10. An opshop, in your hospital? Secrets out now…now we know why you have been hanging out there so much!!! xxx

  11. yep, you know you should have kept the hospital oppy a secret.... nevermind we don't know which hospital!

  12. Get well soon! Those cupcakes look devine ...

  13. Love those op shop finds! Cupcakes look pretty good too.

  14. Yum!..and those dresses are fabulous, nice finds!

  15. Get well soon lovely! I love that you've got internet access and an opshop + delivery of yummy food goods. All set really! :)

  16. What gorgoues dresses, are you sure you want to leave?

  17. how wonderful are those cupcakes and op shop therapy in hospital?? wow that is cool

  18. those dresses, sooo cute. Only you, could still manage a wee bit of shopping whilst in hospital (;

  19. Oh no - back in there again - sorry to hear it Cam.
    I say slip on one of the dresses, grab one of those upside-down watches and a clip-board and just walk out - they'll never uestion an official looking nurse will they!!??

  20. Sorry to hear you're there where you don't want to be. Get well soon so you can go out and play gorgeous with those delightful dresses! ::)

  21. Hope you work it out soon. Keep your chin up. Cherrie

  22. Just dropping by to wish you a speedy trip back out of there! Hopefully peanut butter cupcakes and vintage dresses are the best medicine.

  23. I'm amazed at the idea of a hospital oppy and those cakes look sooo good. The pic is better than I can take even with a good camera. Too much hand shake going on here.

  24. I love the blue dress :) I also love that you have friends to deliver cupcakes when needed :)

  25. Well I guess if you have to be locked up, cupcakes and an op shop make the stay a touch more bearable :) Keep your chin up Cam!

  26. What fab op shop finds!!
    Hope you break out soon, and can go home :)

  27. If the movies are telling the truth, ripped up bedsheets can be made into excellent makeshift escape ropes...

    Those cupcakes do look and sound rather delicious!

  28. yum yum knackers!!! will come past tomorrow after i go look at this job in sunshine tomorrow morning. any requests?

  29. hmmm we need to think of an escape plan...someone bring some rope and distract the attendants...we could smuggle you out in a suitcase

  30. Hi! Just wanted to wish you to get better soon and a nice day!

  31. Wishing you well well well. These cupcakes must be straight from heaven! Sending many sweet Summer sprinkles your way. xxx

  32. I'd stay until the yummy cakes were all gone!
    Hope you are home soon.

  33. Oh, I want those dresses - but not the rotten ailment that got you to them. Hope the cake has helped your spirits. xx

  34. I love that a good oppy will always save the day! those cupcakes look beautiful and I remember reading they were very yummy! I hope that you are on the road to recovery Cam


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