
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's customary my dear

I must admit that I do love a custom order!

It makes me stop procrastinating and start doing.

Two little padded flex-frame pouches.... one for a mobile phone, and one for a pocket sized camera. Both with little d-ring tabs and matching detachable wrist straps. I hope their new owners are very happy.


  1. I would be very happy were either of them mine. They are fabulous Ms Pops.

  2. I have one of those 'just stuff it in your pocket' genes. But you're starting to talk me 'round to flex frame pouches for EV.ER.Y.THING.

  3. they look great. As a recipient of your flex frames sunglasses case I love it and use it every day.

  4. I'd be very happy too, lovely!

  5. I bet they will be happy! Gorgeous fabrics. You're right about the custom orders, they do get oine moving, there is no time for dilly dallying...

  6. They're both beautiful. Great fabrics.
    I'm sure the new owners will be very happy!

  7. Ohhh - I have some of those flex thingummies in my stash - just haven't got round to working out what to do with them yet!! Those pouches are lovely!

  8. Of course they'll be happy.

    You have amazing craftwomanship!

  9. Delightful prints and most worthy of any phone carrier/camera carrier;)

  10. Oh yes, one owner is indeed very happy!


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