
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Marketeering in Buninyong

My stall

'Twas a lovely little day out in the country today at the Buninyong Makers Market.
The crowds were rushing in early, so I only managed to snap a couple of quick photos immediately after we'd set up for the day.

The town hall is absolutely beautiful, and had a lovely vibe all day. There was a steady stream of customers, and it was great to have a chat and a laugh with everyone.

There were FREE chocolate cupcakes on the way in (which were truly delicious), and then as soon as we arrived we happened to meet a lovely girl from the coffee shop across the road who was taking coffee orders, and delivering them back to the market (can you believe it)!

Then to make it even more unbelievable, she just so happened to be Trudi and Nikki's sister. Talk about a small world!

It was lovely to catch up with Jodie (without that nasty cough thank goodness), and Annie, and I finally got to meet Kathryn too, which was lovely.

A huge thankyou to my crafty partner-in-crime (who I think I should be maybe re-naming my arty partner-in-crime), and my sister (who sarcastically calls herself the 'donkey'), for lugging all my bits and bobs, and trolleys, and boxes and whatsits, because I certainly wouldn't be out and about marketeering without all of that help.


  1. yay CAm! sounds like a great day.
    pics look great, how did you go?

  2. Yayyyy surrounded by all those gifted girls in charming surroundings sounds like a blissful Saturday. Gorgeous post! Have a super duper week lovely Cam.xo

  3. That sounds like an excellent way to start a market!! Love your set up there and hope you did well!x

  4. Looks like it was a great day, Buninyong is a very atmospheric place for a market.

  5. yours stall looks great :)very warm colours to it
    and you can't beat free chocolate cupcakes :D

  6. Wonderful Cam. Hooray for lovely country town markets & hooray for you & your donkey for working hard. x

  7. I SO wanted to come lovely, really really, but we did nae have enough fuel in the car & I had to drop Le Boy off someplace before we would have been back anyway... I know that sounds like an excuse but it's true!!! Glad you had a nice day!

  8. It was a great day - and sooo busy.
    Will you be marketeering at the next one ?

  9. Hope you sold heaps! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. What fun to see people admiring your handiwork!

  10. The stalls look great and sounds like you had a really ace day.

  11. I recently sold something to someone that lived there and wondered what kind of little town it was, sounds like a great one. hope you sold lots and lots!

  12. Glad to hear you had a great day - you stall looked great!

  13. It was a great day, great venue! Donkey gal is a little weary but it was worth it for those Chocolate cup cakes.....

  14. It sounds like it was a lovely market. You don't get any better than free cakes!

    Your new card range looks fabulous!

  15. So sorry I missed your stall. It was a great market and so lovely to see so many people in the hall and out and about

  16. It was a fantastic day wasn't it! And it was wonderful to finally meet you too and Tinnie Girl. Glad you had a good day and hope to see you at the next one, Kathryn. X


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