
Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Creative Space...

Blossom Branch - WIP (can you notice the petal that I've missed colouring in?)

 What a week!

I seem to have been flitting about all over the place, making some long overdue visits, sorting out things that have been on the 'to do' list for far too long, organising in advance for things that'll be happening in the future, drinking far too much coffee, attending appointments.... and just generally trying to make altogether correct and wise decisions.

I haven't really had much time for sewing, except for a little bit of work on my pieces for the Fringe Festival Exhibition.... but I have been drawing at every chance I could get.

The home of my creative space


  1. Hi Cam - I think this is my favourite so far of your drawings! Its the black and white lines along with the wonderful colour. (its perfect with one white petal too!)

  2. I see it! Lovely drawing, Cam. It looks pretty framed up like that with the borders.

  3. I see it too ... but if you hadn't said I might not have done! Another lovely drawing.

  4. I am really enjoying seeing your lovely, bright, cheerful illustrations! Hope you are doing well :)

  5. Love the drawing!
    And yes, as soon as I read your comment about the missing colour from a petal, I could see it, but I see that as a cool design feature! :)

  6. Keep at it Cam. You're making great stuff.

  7. You sound like one busy lady. My thoughts are with you. Cherrie

  8. Your drawings are so beautiful!
    I like it that you have missed one petal.

  9. the petal looks so sweet!!!!! Little albino petal :) i think you shoudl leave it like that :P

  10. Gorgeous drawing. It reminds me of a tree full of balloons! Hope things are going well for you.

  11. love the missing petal. Love that you are loving drawing- and you've got a gift too. xo

  12. This is my favorite too..I absolutely love it.

  13. good luck with those decisions, loving watching your drawing progress

  14. Very busy, it must be in the air this week. Love your drawings, this one especially.

  15. I had to go back and look for the missing piece. You could make it your signature.

    This one is definitely my favourite. I think it's all that gorgeous Spring green.

  16. Love the drawing, but I was so hoping to see a bit more of the fringe festival piece…. Don’t forget in all this busyness you are supposed to be taking it easy!

  17. You had me hunting for it for a while. I really love this one too, I love the detail in the branches and the petal colouring is quite Curly Pops isn't it! Love to you xxx

  18. Hope you're doing ok Cam. xx

    Do love all your drawings though. You have a talent for it I think.

  19. Cam, I love this one too! Smart lady, you are!

  20. great colour, would make a lovely sticker or or wall decal :)

  21. beautiful Cam!
    white petal is like a where's Wally.
    hope you've had a good day, thanks for your message.
    hugs ♥

  22. I would love to get back into drawing but mine are rubbish - they look nothing like they are supposed too!

  23. Lovely picture. Hope you've had some time to relax as well.

  24. I like the one white petal too ... I think it means 'hope' ... or it could mean that 'it's okay to be the only different one' ... or it could mean that 'not everything is what we expect'.

  25. your drawings are wonderful ... i can't believe i haven't seen them earlier.
    My Creative Space


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