
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nice weather for ducks

I headed off to the country today with Mr X and Moo Moo in tow, to celebrate my mums birthday

Gypsy the mini shetland

It was cold and windy and wet....

...but inside, the wood burning stove was nice and warm, and there was a yummy roast lunch (and birthday cake) for everyone.

Before and After

Luckily, mum hadn't experienced the flooding rains that my sister and BIL had yesterday.

 Before and After

They live right across the road from the local park where the creek runs through the middle of town...

Before and After

...which is currently a swimming pool (and these photos were taken before the peak of the water)!

Here's the actual pool!


  1. Goodness, look at that flood. Hope they're all okay.

    That roast looked delicious.

  2. The pool shot is amazing! You were brave venturing out! But that roast dinner looks pretty inviting, and a hot cuppa too! You lucky duck xo

  3. I hope they are OK. The weather has been so wild. It woke me up twice during in the night.

  4. I hope the water levels have stopped rising... that underwater park is a bit close for comfort.

    Very jealous of your Sunday Roast!! x

  5. Floods are so scary. I hope it's subsiding now. Wouldn't want to be cleaning out that pool next.

  6. oh wow, we got some pretty serious rain Friday and Saturday and the water was up to my car doors on the way home from work on Friday and that freaked me out but that is serious water. I think we got heavy flooding in the catchment areas in the hills but I live on the flat so not so bad here, didn't like the lack of power for 4 hours though when the kids are hungry for tea and all I had was raw food. Hope the water doesn't take too long to subside, there is more rain coming too I here.

  7. Oh wow thats crazy, I hope your all ok!

  8. Wow to that pool shot! That will be a nightmare to clean! Glad your Mum wasn't flooded though. WE were at Sewjourn and there actually was flooding in Lancefield but not in our bit of it, luckily.

  9. Quack Quack!!! ;)

    Gah - how cute is that wee horsie?!

  10. Oh that roast looks delicious - all that wonderful gravy!

    I hope you sister and her family have missed out on any flooding at their house. It's been wet and wild in Hobart too but nothing like you're getting in Vic!

  11. Gosh! The floods are really bad. Glad your mum wasn't flooded.

  12. Bloody hells bells, eh? Impressive flooding action! Hope it stays on that side of the road!! (and away from that delicious looking roast!!)


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