
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Behind and Belated


A little while ago, I played along in Trash's As You Like It swap.....
The premise of the swap was that you gave your partner six words, and they were to use those words for your swap.


My swap partner was the ever so talented and crafty Moogs Mum.....and lets just say that her parcel totally put mine to shame!

My words were: Popsicles, Spring, Sparkle, Technicolour, Magic and Sunshine

Popsicle & Technicolour - I totally cannot believe that she found me a fabric popsicle!

Each piece of the parcel was individually packed and labelled with one of my keywords.....

..... and attached with some pretty lace.

Sparkle (Yarn), Spring (Tulip Cards), and Magic (Chocolate)

Thankyou sooooo much Moogsmum (and sorry it's taken me so long to post the pics)! Now I think I might have some of that chocolate for brekkie.


  1. What happy mini quilt. Definitely sunshine. She must have spent heaps of time on the net finding your 'pop' popsicle. How nice to be thought of so specifically. Cherrie

  2. I think thats the most thoughtful swap i've ever seen!
    Brilliantly thought out, and all gorgeous items!

  3. That is awesome. I love the colors, they are so bright and bold, but perfect!

  4. oooo, eeeer, yummie! What a lovely swap parcel.

  5. That is the best concept for a swap!
    I love it and I love everything you got, especially the yran. Does it have a sparkle through it?

  6. Oh you're a lucky ducky for sure, what a lovely swap !

  7. Oh that Missus Moog, she did well for sure.

    So what did youthink of Galaxy chocolate? It is my favourite big brand UK choccie, much nicer than the UK version of Cadbury Dairy Milk.

  8. What a lovey swap!
    So much thought went into it, handmade is the best gift of all isn't it, it should be renamed heartmade!

  9. that is a beautiful gift of goodies to have received =-)

    what will you make from that lovely yarn??


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