
Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Creative Space..... and I've been Throttled

I have four markets booked in between now and Christmas, so I'm desperately trying to be organised in advance this year. I have various little production lines in progress, strewn all over the place.

I'm not very good at production line sewing. I get bored quite easily and prefer to flit between projects instead..... which usually means that I end up with big piles of unfinished projects everywhere. Even after studying and working in manufacturing for so long, I just can't seem to take my own best advice when it comes to productivity and just in time manufacturing!

I've also managed to transform my work bench from a serene example of organisation  to complete and utter chaos in the space of a week.

Just to top it off, I received one of those horrible nasty emails yesterday morning:

This is an automatically generated email to advise you that you
have reached your peak download limit.
This means your peak service will be throttled to
128 kbps until 08/10/2010.

So it looks like I'm going to be very very quiet over the next couple of days, which is not very good in the first week of Blogtoberfest

The Home of My Creative Space


  1. It wasn't very long ago that that was fast! Tomorrow is the 8th, so it looks like your getting optimum use of your internet. Hopefully you will have sorted out your production line by then.

  2. now, that mess is more like it Cam!!!!
    Sorry to hear you are going to be slow for a while...

  3. Boo, don't they know it is Blogtoberfest! Good luck getting all your market goodies finished.

  4. Noooooooo!!! Luckily for me we upgraded our plan just before Blogtoberfest started. I think 400gig a month should suffice. hehe.

  5. scary parallel between your post and mine this week cam.

  6. Maybe it's to force you to sew today? No time wasting! Turn off the PC! :P

  7. If it makes you feel any better, my workspace looks like that photo most days of the week (as much as I would prefer it to look clean and beautiful). Production lines are not fun but they're productive! Maybe you could allow yourself a little time on a creative project at the end of every ten items or so (or a block of chocolate - whatever works!)

  8. I hate those emails... hope you have fun staying away from the computer :)

  9. I have a market in two weeks...only one though, time just gets away! Head down bum up, so to speak and happy sewing, thinking of you!

  10. Good luck at all your markets! Your work is lovely :)

  11. Well it looks like you have been very productive there in the first photo. Your work 'space' looks quite like mine. It must mean you have been working hard too.
    Luckily you don't have too long to wait until the throttling is over. See you then. Lou.

  12. Slow internet means Pops can get more work done for market time. A blessing in disguise!
    Ab x

  13. I think you space looks like you've been busy. If it's tidy there ain't much going on. I just can't do the production line thing, I also flit about.

    Nice work by the way.

  14. Not a big fan of production line type making, sort of takes the fun out of it.
    And what terrible timing about your internet. You think they could have at least waited.xo

  15. ROBOTS!!!

    We have so much Internet now, after running out all the time, that we're almost brainstorming ways to use it all up!

  16. What a nightmare!
    Yup, time is creeping up on us.

    I'm no good with the production line thing
    either. Very boring. And possibilities of

  17. My provider only *shapes* me, throttling sounds very unpleasant! Although having said that, it is AGONY when the internets is slowed.

  18. eek...
    the throttling, not the workspace!
    4 markets sounds quite intense...I only have one left before Christmas, thankfully.
    just remember they do call this the silly season for a reason!

  19. Gosh - THROTTLED??!!!

    Lots of lovely colour and glorious, glorious mess is always a ggod sign, methinks. Hope the markets go well!

  20. Im going to be next door to DorothyBills so its just the one market for me too. Im in a quiet panic as well. Not that that helps you.
    Ummmm....write a list perhaps? Im going to start there as theres too much in my head
    Happy market day to you!

  21. Check out that space. Reminds me of my bedroom when I was a teenager. ;)

  22. I guess it's only (go slow) for a little while. In the meantime you can get lots done for the markets. My workspace is not so tidy :) I do have a tidy up when I know someone is coming over for a visit.... :)

  23. You need to be messy to be creative - that;s my mantra and I'm sticking to it :)

  24. Awww, poor Cam. We're still on dial-up!!! But we're going to go broardband soon... Love your mess!! I would just adore going through it all, and finding all the bits and pieces you have around!
    I got your present today!!!! I couldn't believe it, it looks soooooo good, and amazing in person, so much better than seeing it over the computer screen!! Thankyou so so much Cammy!!!
    Big Hugs!!!

  25. but having it look like chaos means you got a lot done to cause the chaos :)

  26. Methinks you need a bigger download limit, Cam. Hasn't this happened before? Must be so annoying. But... maybe this will give you a chance to bring your space back to order??

  27. How totally annoying on two fronts ... but so beautiful on another. I love your fabric choice.
    My Creative Space

  28. one word: UNLIMITED!!! Or do they not offer that anymore?
    Love that crafty space, looks eerily similar to mine, except that's usually when I start finding more and more work in progresses ;)

  29. You're so clever ... even your mess looks like it makes some kind of sense.


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