
Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Owl and The Dragster

Are Owls still on trend? Penny was asking that question yesterday.

I'm hoping that they are, as this is my latest drawing that I've turned into a greeting card (and will soon turn into a fabric).

I also drew a Dragster this week...... I decided to give it a coloured background before colouring it in, and it ended up that I really liked the effect of leaving the dragster white. Design by accident!

These are also available as greeting cards at the moment, and will become fabrics very soon.

My latest lot of test swatches from Spoonflower have been shipped, so fingers crossed that they all work out so I can place a real order!


  1. ahhh yes ...the spoonflower wait... I know it well. xx

  2. Excellent Cam! I LOVE the bike on red & yellow, and the owl is a sweetie...!

  3. Just fantastic. I am so loving this creativeness from you!!

  4. Oooh, these are my favourite so far! Do you plan on selling the fabric, or will you let us know the link to your spoonflower site and we can order some for ourselves? That way you could still make money from it without having the hassle of posting. I would love to get my hands on some of that owlie goodness.

  5. They look fantastic - my fav is the dragster!
    Fabric sounds great.
    I saw them in the shop thismorning.
    I attended the EyeSpy seminar at the stitches and craft this year, the word at the seminar was that foxes and rabbits were the next big thing.

  6. Great stuff, Cam. The dragsters are fab.

  7. There fab i love the owl there just so cute. well done. Dee ;-)

  8. Love the owls. They remind me of the notebooks I bought today. I will have to take a pic. I'm following your blog! Love it.

  9. Great dragsters! I'm seeing owls everywhere still.

  10. Oh cool - the owls are very cute and I think they are still in :) Who cares about what is trendy though when they are that cute?

  11. Love your cooky owls - in or out they are very cute!

  12. wow, you are such a clever clogs! Who knew you had such a drawing talent! Save me an owl one, I want it on my sewing room wall...

    Hmm, word verification is 'mices'. I know what you need to draw next!

  13. How cute is that owl? And it goes without saying that I ADORE the dragster.

  14. There are owls everywhere, but none of them are anything like yours. I love the white dragsters on the coloured backgrounds.

  15. The dragsters are ace! I'd better grab some for my birthday card stash.

  16. Well I still love owls!!! And collect them. And make them. If they are going out of style, let's hope everyone dumps all their owl stuff at the opshops so I can get it! lol
    Love your drawings! I'd love to see the big owl with a light blue background!

  17. Those dragsters are brilliant! I think I must get my hands on some of those greeting cards...

  18. The dragster is perfect on the coloured background - all of them. Reminds me a lot of a simpler time.

    Thanks for the eye candy here.


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