
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Psychedelic Snail in Technicolour Delight

gif animator online

I suddenly had a feeling of deja vu lastnight, when I remembered that I'd created a snail many moons ago.

After feeling a little naked yesterday.... Mr (or is that Ms - just how do you sex a snail?) Snail now exists in a psychedelic technicolour dream .

I missed animation Friday last week, so this is my belated contribution (snails are very slow after all).

*Yes, Snail greeting cards are on their way - I just couldn't resist printing them.


  1. Oh he turned out very cute. I love the animation, it's so clever.

  2. Fabulous Cam! Can't wait to see it on fabric! x

  3. Snails are hermaphrodites. I'm sure your snail is totally enjoying his multicoloured home. Must remind him of a flower garden. Cherrie

  4. very psychadelic! he/she is a winner :D

  5. I was going to say that girl snails wear pink ... til I read Cherrie's comment. (So much for my amazing wit on a Monday morning).

    Love the your techicolour snail - its really cute!

  6. Looks great Cam but then you know I am partial to snails

  7. Either or both depending on his/her mood!! Now that could lead to some interesting colour combos :-)

  8. You have to colour code 'em to define gender. Which, given the whole hermaphrodite thing, you have done to perfection!

  9. He would make a great breakfast placemat! Love the colours you've used.

  10. LOL about snail being slow :)Really happy cute!How funny I am having snails projects too, you must be right it is the next owl??!Happy Monday Cam x

  11. Super cute! I like the purple background best - but I don't suppose that is a suprise.....

  12. You are just amazing ! Love all your drawings but that is one super cute snail !

  13. Thats a bright snail

    Have joined in on Blogtoberfest this year


  14. he is very sweet cam, he looks like a bit of a tripper with those eyes. as for sexing snails i don't even want to think about that. you are a clever artist


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