
Sunday, October 31, 2010

We're nearly there...

We've almost reached the end of Blogtoberfest for another year...... and I'm about to be throttled by my ISP once again.

It was such a dreary rainy day yesterday - perfect weather for sewing (and ducks).

I whipped up this little make up zippered pouch as requested by my sister-in-law. It has a little side pocket for extra storage.

I'll be back later to draw the winner of my final giveaway and to wrap up Blogtoberfest for another year!


  1. I've been "throttled" too. It sounds like our internet providers have their hands tightly around our necks....which would'nt be too far from the truth!
    Arrivederci Blogtoberfest....see you next year.

  2. Sweet pouch Cam. Love the star material.

  3. Gorgeous Cam. I love the external pocket. Noice!

  4. A quick note to thank you for everything that you did to facilitate Blogtoberfest.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and actually managed to meet the requirement of posting every single day!

    I've mentioned you in this post if you'd like to take a squiz...

    x Felicity

  5. Do you have an industrial sewing machine? You see, to whip up these items very quickly and very professionally.

    Oh, and you have lots of talent too!

  6. That's lovely. Haven't you already been throttled this month or has the time flown so fast since the last one? My son has just improved the speed of his computer so the kids are thinking of upgrading agasint to more than 80 whatsits to 200 whatsits. Cherrie

  7. Hey there,

    Thanks for stopping by!
    You've inspired me to my own blog challenge for November, if you've got the time pop in tomorrow and see what's happening!

    x Felicity

  8. Bit of a fan of duck weather myself. And extra storage.

  9. I love this make up pouch, my daughter is in dire need of one, do you have a pattern ?

  10. Its officially turned winter here as the clocks have gone back, so rainy days and dark mornings are the norm here now!
    Luckily I can come and visit all of you in Australia and get some sunshine!

  11. Another beauty Cam, so cute, and love the combination of prints. Where do you find all the time to be so creative and produce so much?

  12. Gorgeous Cam, three cheers for cleverness ;););)xo.


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