
Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Creative Space - a granny square.... of sorts

The case of the sewjo kidnapped by the lurgy has meant that it's been drawing central in my creative space this week.

Which has led to lots of mucking around in photoshop working on a new design.

I figured that if I can't crochet a granny rug, then why not just make my own drawn / digital version?

So of course, there are now fabric samples on the way.....

The home of My Creative Space


  1. Cam I absolutely LOVE this! I will need to place an order! It's a great design - you've really got a flair for this!

  2. great idea :D and a lot quicker then crocheting the actual thing

  3. Clever! I've tried drawing granny squares before and they look shocking. Yours look amazing!

  4. GAH! NO END WEAVING IN! When can I buy one?

  5. That is fantastic! Keep on drawing! Onwards and upwards my friend!

  6. Awesome :) I love the design.. Not a pink person myself. But even I can see how pretty.

  7. That is going to look amazing as a fabric! Love it- and that is a crocheter saying that lol ;)

  8. This is VERY clever - really love the look of this.
    Will be excellent as fabric!x

  9. I am totally beside myself in love with this...
    you are so clever Cam...
    Full of granny goodness...

  10. Wow thats going to be gorg..Dee ;-)

  11. Ugh, the dreaded lurgy is here also, it has kidnapped my children. They're on the mend now though.
    You know, I still haven't figured out Photoshop - I have the program but just haven't made time to "learn' it properly. You must be excited about those samples!

  12. Oh yeah, now you are thinking! Crochet for non-crocheters.

  13. I love the granny squares in print - and in the new header! Can't wait to see the fabric!


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