
Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Creative Space

I'm not creating anything today. I've just been doing a little test run on my handbag display for the market on Saturday.

My BIL made this hanging rack out of an old queen bed frame. I've only used it once, and it's been sitting in the garage ever since, so I thought it was high time to dust it off and make sure that I can still put it together.

Four screws and an allen key is all it takes (Note to self: DO NOT forget allen key).

Everything else is packed up into containers, ready to be stacked into the car Friday morning.

I've never been ready for a market this early before.... there's gotta be something wrong! What have I forgotten???

The home of My Creative Space


  1. Don't. Forget. The. Allen. Key.

    (Shall I bring a spare?)

  2. You are ready it looks great ! Have a great time .

  3. Float? Not the ginger beer kind! Those handbags look great, are they retro linens?

  4. Have a great time at the market, the bed hanging frame looks great!

  5. Sometimes you need a break, Cam.

    Those fabrics look wonderful together ... in fact, I love that whole photo ... the bunting and wall hangings.

    New header too? Or have I been away for a while? Looking good all 'round, though!

  6. WOW!! your market space is going to look amazing!

    Don't worry, you'll get used to being ready for these events early with time to relax and prepare ;)

  7. Cam it looks magnificent!!Hope you have a wonderful market day xo

  8. Your display looks very enticing. Lucky you to have such a clever brother in law. Hope you have a happy day at the market. Cherrie

  9. I have always thought those stands look cool but have been too lazy to figure out how to make them, Lucky you to have one made. Yay! It really makes a difference I think for visual. Awesome

  10. a truly swoon-worthy photo! I wonder if I can completely take over my family's plans for the weekend and head to Daylesford???

  11. so organised, so neat, so lovely. good luck cam

  12. Hooray for being organised!
    Hope you sell heaps.
    And don't forget to wear your gumboots, its WET!

  13. Wow look at all those fabulous bags, have fun at the market. Don't forget the allen key.

  14. That looks great! I love your bunting too

  15. That's a great idea, it will give your marketspace a lot of height. I love the bunting too, threading its way through the top of the bags.

  16. Love the handbag display. And speaking from experience forgetting the allen key is bad. Very bad!

  17. That's a great idea for a display! I always struggled finding a cool way to show off my bags when I sold them at markets. Best of luck for the weekend and don't forget the allen key!

  18. Our allen keys are on a ring, slip it on your key chain now so you don't forget it... and, keep a spare in your console, just in case!

  19. wow the bags look amazing and im sure they will fly out and off your stall. I love your designs and colour choice. Have a fantastic time. Dee x

  20. Now, that looks good! Just don't forget the allen key!!!

  21. Oh wow! you are soooooo organised Cam! Those bags will fly really quick!All the best xx

  22. Looking forward to seeing you Cam! xo

  23. Very beautiful bags! You are an organized person. I really like the colors.

  24. Make sure you get a photo of it all set up ... put Must remember the camera on you list of stuff to take too. I wish I could go this weekend too but other things to do :(
    My Creative Space

  25. Very eye-catching! Love the bunting. Do you ever do any markets on the mornington peninsula? xxx

  26. your bags look great hanging up like that!
    I love the shape of this pattern too =)
    Good luck with your market!

  27. Those handbags are absolutely gorgeous. There's no way I could walk past those at a fair. I'd have to put at least two of them on my shoulder and walk around a bit.

  28. I like to leave my works of art that I create all over the house. I find that this gives me more ideas of new things to create. Putting all my art in boxes ruins my creativity and also stops me from enjoying what I created.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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