
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Production Line

I'm trying to whip up a few more handbags this week (amongst other crafty things).

I've realised that when the builder returns next week to install the flooring in my new dining room, he's also going to be ripping up the carpet in my craft space, installing new wooden floors, and installing new wall mounted cabinets for me.

All this is good news..... except for the fact that I have to pack up and move everything out of my craft space, and then bring it all back and pack it all away again. I can't really envisage that there'll be any time at all for pre-market sewing next week, amongst every other activity that goes on in my life.

I'm just really looking forward to it all being finished!

Handbag on the left created using two lovely linen placemats that I received (quite a while ago) from Linda at Two Pink Possums.

Handbag on the right created using the same linen tablecloth from Monday..... and there's still more of it that I can use.


  1. They are very groovy. Tell me if you ever think of doing one in the Scandinavian fishing fabric.

  2. These are just gorgeous Cam...
    You have been so busy...
    and the thought of packing up a craft room would be so scary...I can't even imagine doing that here...and my craft room is small...

  3. Bankstown Vinnies (Sydney) has a heap of old linen tea towels for about $5 each ... probably perfect for this ...

  4. Love the oval flower bag!!
    Hope your pack up goes well, you know what will happen (hopefully) - you'll end up finding some things that you never realized you had!x

  5. i love those colours :D both are really nice

  6. Oooooooooo super duper gorgeous bags, worth a hefty price in the souvenir market ;-) I so hope moving the stash uncovers a few surprises for you ;)

  7. I like how you have shaped the bag around the oval. Looks good. Cherrie

  8. I love the smaller bag..........sooooo pretty!

  9. I love the flower bag - awesome!So clever!

  10. Woah, they are both striking - fabtastic!! I lurve the sound of 'new wall mounted cabinets'... wish I had some of those coming! You'll love it when it's all done.

    Linda. :)

  11. Ohhh i just love the flower one that 70's pattern is the best my ex used to have a tray in the similar pattern and i know he had those in table mats. I also have a similar pattern tray in blue. I love it its gorg. Hope all goes well with the new flooring all be worth it in thr end. Dee x

  12. They are really cool! Good luck at the markets - I hope it's a sell out :)

  13. hey I lvoe the new blog look avatar etc, have been menaing to say, fabruc is also bloody marvellous and these bags? heavenly!! Nice work Super pops!

  14. I love the flower one its so cute and very trendy! Its so simple yet very striking, just my taste! By the way i love all your post!

  15. I like the fabric in the flower one. It's very groovy. I like the shape too. It really works. I hate moving stuff. Sounds like it will be worth it though.

  16. Just beautiful - you are so clever :)

  17. Both very cool, I especially love the placemat one.

    I just hate having to pack up my space, I had to do it recently to have my airconditioning installed. Mind you, it was a great chance to tidy up, clear out and reorganise - but I have a feeling you've just done that.


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