
Saturday, November 6, 2010


This was my little outdoor nook before work began on Thursday (and yes, I do have a lovely view of the neighbours laundry door and clothesline... thanks for asking).

In progress - tea break

All installed - I had the builders move my old curtain pole (which is far too short) and curtains (which are also too short) for the moment, until I organise another solution

I've ordered my new wooden floating floor, so as soon as it's installed, I'll be able to move the furniture in and decorate.

The glass sliding door on the right of this photo leads into my craft space. You can probably see the ironing board through the window.

I might need to start organising a dining room warming very soon!


  1. Wow - that looks like a decent sized space!
    It looks like they've done a good job - bet you can't wait to get in there!x

  2. How exciting it's looking good ;-)) Dee

  3. Its terrific Cam - lots of lovely extra space. (Start wheeling in the fabric?!)

  4. looking fantastic, looking forward to seeing it all decked out.


  5. Look at that sunny nook you've created, brilliant!! A whole new room - fabulous idea. Love Posie

  6. Brilliant! You must be buzzing with excitement to decorate etc. And as a space, I'm sure it's happy to be used at last.

  7. What a transformation already!! I bet the house feel s bigger..... and has loads more room for crafting!!!

  8. Looks good! As for the view, nothing a good trellis and some fast plants can't fix. I have the same problem at the new house and the neighbour's house is certainly not as neat (sigh) and am plotting garden work.
    ~ Laura (Moags)

  9. wow, nice one Cam!! looks bigger than my living room.
    I think a dining room warming is necessary...with some lemon tart of course ♥

  10. Great use of space, I'm sure it will be well used.

  11. Dining room? Surely you meant to say craft room extension? Either way it'll be a winner I'm sure.

  12. Looks great! I received your lovely prize on Thursday....your books are on their way :)

  13. Fabulous! I can't wait to see more, what fun!

  14. Looks great and I think a warming is in order for sure!!

    xo Steph

  15. Looks Great you must be Pleased with the Extra space now.

  16. oh how wonderful Cam to have another room!!!! and it was relatively easy! I sure wish we do that at our place and I might have an actual studio with 4 walls and a door!

  17. Oh, way cool! How great is that! Looks like they did a perfect job. I'd love to find some new space where I live.... but alas... it's not to be. Good excuse for me to buy a bigger house one day!

    Linda. x

  18. Oh whoopdie doo what a super idea! Very clever ;)

  19. You are going to love the extra space Cam!That looks really good. That remind me of...It is not what you have, but what you do with what you have that matters!!:)xx

  20. I'll have to bookmark this idea for when we buy a house!

  21. Most excellent use of space! Looking great!

  22. It looks great Cam - enjoy the extra space!


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