
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

For a Little Miss

A certain Little Miss had a birthday yesterday.
I won't see her until Sunday to give her this pressie, but I've checked with her mum to make sure that she doesn't accidentally see this post.

I made her a little satchel bag using my dragster fabric, with an adjustable strap so that it can grow with her.

Now I just need to wrap it up and decide which flavour cake to bake Sunday arvo!


  1. That's really cute! I love the dragster fabric.

  2. What a fantastic present, loving the dragster fabric too!

  3. Wow! She is going to love you forever with that pressie!!!

  4. I'm sure she will love it. Happy birthday to the "certain little miss" :)

  5. gorgeous present and made in your very own fabric too. it will certainly be one of a kind

  6. It must be so satisfying sewing up your own fabric. Something to aspire to!

  7. Another gorgeous satchel. When are you going to start selling your patterns?? Hope all is well up your side of town.

  8. A lovely young combination - denim and bikes. I am sure it will get heaps of use and love. Cherrie


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