
Monday, December 27, 2010

Life's a beach.... or so I wish

I'm home again after my little mini-break to the beach.

I had to take a photo of my feet to prove that I was there. I'm always the official photographer, so I never end up in any of the photos!

The best bit about heading off prior to Christmas was that the beaches were deserted.

My sister cooked up a huge feast on Christmas Eve for our side of the family.

Once all the boys were fast asleep in bed, Santa arrived.

There was a bit of sandcastle action at the park.....

..... and bodyboarding in freezing cold water.

Boys in the hood - sheltering at the Surf Lifesaving Club

It was so cold Boxing Day evening that the beaches were completely deserted again!

This is my favourite photo from the holiday, taken on Christmas Eve.

It's the first time I've been away with my sister and brother-in-law since the twins arrived. Now I have first hand experience of just how much work my sister does on a daily basis. She's going to need a holiday to get over her holiday!

PS - Happy Birthday Big Sis!


  1. Looks like a fantastic time Cam! Brilliant. Wishing you a wonderful and uber healthy 2011.

  2. excellent Cam! great little getaway.
    happy birthday to your sis, hope she gets spoilt a little bit after all that work.
    hugs to you ♥

  3. Beach holidays are the best, especially for kids. And the water is never too cold for tourists!! It's great you could go with your sister. Cherrie

  4. those little nephews of yours are so cute!!

  5. It sounds wonderful and full on Cam!
    I hope you have the most wonderful last few days of 2010.

  6. Beautiful photos Cam. Love the last three espcially.

  7. Yes, holidays with little ones can be a lot of work - well worth the effort though.

  8. I love your nephews' little legs! All 10 of them!

  9. What a great mini-break!! We managed to get to the beach on xmas day (but honestly it wasn't all that warm).
    Looks like you (and the kids) had a wonderful time - love your shoes!!

  10. Happy holidays!! Twins (& large families) are economical on your time, trust me, every trip gets easier & more efficient!! Just packing our bags - all the children have lined up their clothes for a trip to Sydney. Secretly hoping they spend the entire time in swim suits!! Lovely shot of all those boys lined up, aren't they wonderful. Love Posie

  11. Lovely photos. We were having a coffee at the front beach today after first day off nippers at Jan Juc : ). Was a bit chilly though!

  12. LOVE "Boys in the hood." x

  13. the beach looks great :D would love to spend xmas on a beach, much better then the slush we have here

  14. Glad you had a good time Cam even if the weather wasn't as warm as it normally is!

  15. Look at all the boys! What a wonderful extended family you have. Love the pic of the littlies in their hoodies.

  16. Ah! I love a beachy Christmas! Glad you had a lovely time away. Hope you are enjoying some rest and relaxation.

  17. GORGEOUS pictures! love the boys all in a row :)




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