
Friday, December 31, 2010

The Year That Was

I don't really know where to start in trying to sum up 2010. This post really struck a chord with me thismorning. 2010 was a year of highs and lows, but I'd really rather not focus on the lows, so I'm going to just ignore them (I'm actually quite good at avoidance, and see how I just turned a negative into a positive).

I'm not one for making plans or resolutions. I'm more of a 'lets just see what happens' type.

That being said, there is just one thing that I am planning for in 2011, and that is to have more fun.

I'd really like to spend more time just doing the things that I like doing, rather than the things I should be doing. After all, life is way too short to sweat the small stuff!


  1. Happy new year Cam!!
    You've had a wonderfully crafty year this year.
    Here's to a super crafty 2011.
    My gift to you .... I became a blood donor today.
    Andi x

  2. What gorgeous colours to brighten up this post. Just looking at it makes me happy. A wonderful 2011 to you and yours.

  3. Sweaty Small Stuff - BEGONE! Excellent philosophy you have there. I shall be taking a leaf, along with a small glass of something nice, come 11.59pm tonight. Happy new year, Cam.

  4. Here's for a way better year next year - I've loved watching your crafting journey through art and fabrics this year. You are such an inspiration!!

  5. happy new year, Cam! hope it's full of fun, and no sweaty small stuff!

  6. yes I with you - goal for 2011 - have more fun...

    good one Cam.

  7. Wishing you lots of health and happiness for the year ahead. Love your colourful crafty collages.

  8. Sounds good Cam.
    Thanks for being unbelievably inspirational with all your wonderful creations. So great to see them altogether here! Heres to a fun 2011. XX

  9. Fantastic philosophy and a great years work. wishing you loads of great stuff for 2011. Leonie xox

  10. Your work just makes me feel happy, Cam. Just LOOK at that colour and cheer!! Love it!!!

    Here's hoping that we'll all accentuate the positives and enjoy 2011. xxn

  11. Oh Cam, you truly are one awesome chick! May 2011 be filled with so much fun, you won't know what to do with yourself!


  12. I love this post. It's so happy, colourful and vibrant. Just like you. Good on you lady! Here's to a brilliant 2011 for us all.
    P.S. I want that pink and white polka dot skirt with the lace for myself. Yes I realise it's a kids skirt. And no, I don't care.
    P.P.S. I also want that yellow dress with the cherries on it.
    P.P.P.S. You ROCK!

  13. LOVE your work , hope you have a happy and fun 2011.

  14. Presented like that it looks like a lot of fun - Hope you get your wish for the coming Year.
    Happy New Year to you

  15. this is such a colourful post! so many bright colours :D

  16. That's an awesome resolution i think, we all need to have more fun, life can get too serious yes.
    Best of luck for the new year x

  17. Your photo montages have just brightened up a very gloomy morning here - so colourful and vibrant! I think ignoring the lows is how really positive, optimistic people deal with life - and I think that's a really healthy approach that I'm trying to adopt. Wishing you a healthy, happy 2011 packed with fun!

  18. I think those ipod covers was about where I came in!! I love love love your colourful blog.
    Catch you again in 2011

  19. Cheers to you Cam, for a properous 2011. xx

  20. Happy New Year Curly Pops!! Just thought you needed one more new follower to get the new year rolling off to a good! I am really enjoying having a look at everybody's georgeous work in the mosaics people are posting. The diversity of colours and finishes are amazing. These make handmade items so special don't they?

  21. Well said! Seeing all your work together is so vibrant and happy!
    I'm going to take a note from your book - no resolutions just see where life goes :)
    Look forward to seeing more of your wonderful creativity this year.

  22. Your collages look gorgeous.

    I hope 2011 is filled with good things and none of the shitty stuff that 2010 brought with it.

    Happy New Year.

  23. What a beautiful Colourful collage of your "heart work"!
    I agree with your 2011 attitude,for more fun :)

  24. hear you loud and clear cam. happy new year

  25. I like your thinking... here's to a year of not sweating the small stuff

  26. Even with the ups and downs look at all the amazing things you have created in 2010! But here's to a fun filled deserve it!

  27. The ups and lows is part of life. We all face them. Sometimes I think that the lows actually help us realize what's really important to us.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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