
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A not so fabulously big list by a girl who literally likes to have her cake and eat it (especially if it's chocolate)

I've been MIA for a few days because I'm stuck back in hospital again - I'm pretending that it's still 2010, and I'll be starting 2011 afresh when I get outta here!

Inspired by the ever so fabulous Tinniegirl and her mighty big list, I thought that I'd have a go at creating one for myself.

I'm not one for resolutions, but I do like a TO DO list (of course, that might be something to do with the fact that I have to write everything down because I have a memory like a sieve these days).

So, in no particular order, here's my TO DO list for 2011:

  • Stay out of hospital (that one actually is my number one priority)!
  • Have more fun
  • Work on more illustrations
  • Work on more textile art pieces
  • Apply to take part in a group exhibition
  • Indulge more in my love of eating lunch at nice cafes
  • Remember that exercise is a necessary evil
  • Spend more time properly planning meals and cooking for myself
  • Experiment with more coffee blends and make a shortlist of my favourites
  • Procrastinate less
  • Remember that me time on the couch watching trashy tv is good for my soul
  • Improve my writing skills
  • De-clutter more of my life

Do you have a list? If you'd like to share it, pop in a link over here....


  1. Great list
    Hope you get better soon and get to accomplish that first goal!!

  2. Happy New New Year! Get yourself better and out of there so that you can celebrate New Year again! Best wishes for a fantabulous 2011.


  3. Oh no - not hospital! I hope you're out soon.
    I hope your list comes into fruition - it's a good list!

  4. That's a bloody fabulous list in my opinion. I'm going to buy you some sensational coffee to try out when you get home, which I hope is very, very soon.

  5. Great list - I am going to add "procrastinate less" to my list I think. Good luck - I hope 2011 is a great one for you

  6. Crapola!! Sorry about hospital, that stinks! I am a little wary of 'the list' coz it might make me feel bad if I don't cross anything off. Maybe I need to start being a little less scared of failure, so then i will actually do something! Hmph!

    Sending lots of healthy, happy vibes.

  7. I was starting to wonder where you were....

    Great list, strangely some of those things would be on my list too, especially number 7! Take care of yourself, and don't stress out those med students too much!


  8. Feel better soon!!!

    I don't do year lists as a rule, but I do love yours!

    Hope you can celebrate 2011 to the max when you break outta there.

  9. Oh no, not hospital again. Hope you're out of there very soon.
    A great list, I need to procrastinate less too.

  10. Get better soon Cam, get out of that hospital and stay out! In the meantime, hope you have plenty to keep you occupied xx

  11. I hope your hospital stay doesn't go too long. Take care.

  12. that first goal is definitely a keeper!
    hope you're outta there soon!!!

  13. Blast! I hope you get out of there quickly. I like your list and hope you achieve much during the next year. I think I will just concentrate on "Procrastinate Less". So much more will be achieved if I do that.

  14. Oh Cam, sorry to hear you are back in hospital again,heres wishing you a hapoy new year AFTER you get home ;)

    Hope you have plenty to keep you occupied!

  15. Oh fuckity bugger Cam, I agree you get a do-over for the start of the year.
    Hope it is a short stay.

  16. Sorry to hear you are in Hospital! take care of yourself so you can tackle that list of yours!!!

  17. Get better, you.

    You can achieve everything on that list in a minute! You're a super woman in my books.

  18. Oh gosh - I didn't know you were in hospital again!! You poor thing!
    I'm off for a quick checkup at my gp tomorrow...

    Love your one about the couch and the trashy TV!!

    Hope you feel better soon - email me any time you want a chat :-)

  19. Damn, Jodie sums it up I think. I hope you are back home and fighting fit as soon as possible so that you can start on that list full of great possibilities!

  20. Sorry to hear you're back "inside", Cam! Hope you can break out soon, and get started on 2011.

  21. Good list! I hope you get out of hospital soon :)
    I wrote a short list:

  22. Get. Well. Soon.

    Then. Have. Fun!

    All the best for a fab 2011 once you get started!

  23. Hope you're feeling better soon, Cam. Great list - I particularly like 'have more fun'; it's one we often forget in the rush to live our lives.

  24. Great list Cam! Hope you are back on your own couch watching girly movies really soon. :)

  25. Yep, Jodie has it right - 2011 starts when you get home...get home quick, damn it! Like the look of that list - esp good soulful tv time, decluttering and coffee. All good, right there.

  26. Oh CAm back in...

    That looks like a VERY good list. All very manageable and good for you!

  27. I am sorry to hear your not well again. But what a great positive list i love the staying on the sofa one relaxing and taking time for you is a great one. Happy new year to you, and i hope its a magical one for you. Take lots of care, Dee x

  28. sorry to read that you are back in the hospital :(

    my to do list would be pretty short, just be happy :)

  29. Sounds like a great list! I hope you get out of the hospital soon!!

  30. yes, tell us when your new year starts so we can celebrate with you!
    get home soon Cam. x

  31. Good list! I love the food and exercise related things!

  32. Hope you're back home soon and can start 2011 with gusto! And I love the item to remember sitting on the couch is good for your soul - I need to remember that too (rather than feeling restless and needing to go and do something).

  33. Oh non! I am so sad to read that you are back in that place.I hope you get lots of support, keep looking on the bright side and may your list come true lovely Lady! xx

  34. Thinking of you Darling and really ticked off for YOU that you're in THERE! Drat, bum and all those other words we mumble. Hang in there Cam, stay as beautiful as You are;){{{{xo}}}}.

  35. The sun is out at last you need to get out of there fast!
    Now I am sure if you could just achieve the first one the rest of them would be as good as the chocolate cake.

  36. This weather has really been a health challenge since mid year. I hope your health sorts itself out a bit so you can stay out of the hospital for the rest of the year.
    The list is a wonderful and comprehensive one and I wish you every good thing in the world to help you achieve it.

  37. Aww. that's too bad Cam. Here's hoping that your dream of a hospital-less 2011 comes true. Cherrie

  38. brilliant list cam. all very noble aspirations indeed. i hope that you are topping up that nasty old hospital food with heaps of medicinal chocolate. i will be sending many positive wishes for a speedy recovery your way

  39. Tell that body to get into line and get well fast! Eat..the right things for my much as I possibly can...and..Pray...a lot..taking care of the spiritual side of me! Seems like a good list for me this year.

  40. I hope you can tick that first one off the list very soon, Cam. Sending you every good wish for the new year & hoping that you get well soon. May 2011 be filled with cafe luncheons and trashy TV (and plenty of chocolate). Liesl xxx

  41. HI Cam, I loved reading your list and hope it goes swimmingly successfully x


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