
Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Apple Tree

A couple of weeks ago, I visited a giant apple tree...

.... and this week I swapped a basket full of empty jars, for a basket full of fresh home grown apples from that same lovely tree.

Cathie told me about her Apple and Berry Crumble recipe, and so I trundled off to the supermarket in search of the missing ingredients that weren't already in my pantry.

I searched and searched and searched for rolled oats in the baking aisle..... only to realise they were with the breakfast cereals (can you tell that I've never actually bought a packet of rolled oats in my life before)?

I retrieved my kitchen scales from the parcel packing bench (sadly, they're never used for cooking anymore, only weighing parcels) and measured out all that delicious brown sugar.

Tada! It's a pity that you can't insert an aroma into a blog post, because it smelled amazing when it came out of the oven. 

This was my afternoon tea yesterday.... and my breakfast thismorning.



  1. yum!that looks so good :D perfect for breakfast

  2. Oh yum. If I couldn't chose to live on gelati for the rest of my life, I'd chose crumble as my other choice. Mmmmmm!

  3. Obviously there's a definite swing towards 'crumble' in blog world at the moment. Must have missed this on Cathie's blog - can't wait to try it - especially for breakfast!

  4. Oh YUMMY!

    I think apple crumble is a perfect brekky.

  5. I still remember sitting down with my best friend in high school and eating *an ENTIRE tray* of apple crumble. So yum.

  6. Its 7.30am in the morning here and im reading your post before i start the day, my tummy is now rumbling hard and my mouth is watering ;-)) i love crumble. Love your basket to, have a lovely weekend, dee x

  7. Mum brought me a big bag of apples, so i am making an apple, pear and rhubarb crumble, inspired by you ;)

  8. yummy! the rolled oats search made me laugh too...

  9. love an apple crumble!! my friend makes a really nice gluten free version too.

    got a heap of apples... should make some!

  10. Great to se that they went to god use! I spread the apple love around further around blogland this weekend, too.... I took a bag to Sewjourn!

  11. We have recently planted apple trees and I dream of the day that they look like that one. Your crumble looks marvellous :)

  12. well thanks a lot, now i'm starving, not a good thing to be at 11.55 when i'm headed for bed. looks deeelicious

  13. We don't need the aroma, the image shows how good it must taste. You can't fail when using one of Cathie's recipes.

  14. OH that looks delicious...I am wondering if I should go to bed or back in the kitchen now :)


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