
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Off to the Market

The car is all packed and I'm ready to go for tomorrow....

I'm all set for a day full of nostalgia.

When I was a little kiddie, we spent lots of time at saleyards in country Victoria. We mainly went to horse sales, but also the odd sheep or cattle sale too.

In the olden days before the freeways were built, we would drive past the Newmarket Saleyards every time we took a trip to Melbourne. 

Mobile phone pic

I had a little bit of play with my new stall set up on the kitchen bench yesterday, using an Ikea shelf that Cathie bought for me on one of her trips (I can't bear actually going to Ikea myself). My brother did a little Ikea hack for me to modify it, and now it's the perfect shelf for my pouches.

Now lets just keep our fingers crossed for no wind and no rain!


  1. I'll be there, and if it's raining, you can stand under my umbrella, (ella, ella) haha

  2. You are going to have SUCH a fun day. The stall looks fab on the kitchen bench and will be even more exciting at the event. It will be marvellous. x

  3. Hope you do so well that it totally eclipses your expectations!

  4. Ok no wind no rain , just lots of nice people who want to buy stuff !

  5. hope you have a great day Cam!
    fingers crossed mother nature ♥

    p.s thanks I have that song in my head

  6. Have fun, Cam! Hope you sell loads.

  7. Oh dear, the weather doesn't look too good but I hope it all works out well.

  8. YIKES! We were right smack bang caught in a downpour twice today. Please tell me it bypassed the Saleyards...


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