
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Suave - Part Two

Currently blog finished - I still need to stitch in the lining

While I was holidaying down the coast over Christmas, I managed to do a little window shopping.

I noticed that the cool surf brands like Rip Curl and Quiksilver had Fedora's for kids and adults in their current seasons offerings.

I had my nephews do a little Fedora modelling for me in the shops, and then promptly put them all back because I knew I could come home and make them instead!

The lining in my Dragster Dominoes fabric

This is the Fedora pattern by Nicole Mallalieu Design, and it's my very first attempt at making a hat. Now that I'm over my fear of hatmaking, I really should open up the Kids Hat pattern that I bought aaaaggggges ago, and make a start on those before another summer passes me by.

The Fedora pattern comes with three different sizes which is fabulously versatile for the growing boys in my family. Mr X wants one next.... to wear with his skinny jeans.

As this one is for Moo Moo,  I made the small size, with the standard sized brim. I used a lightweight black denim so that it's quite versatile for different outfits, but also just because little boys can be grubby!

For the hatband, I used some offcut from the suit jacket so that it matches his new vest.

He's going to be the suavest little four year at the playcentre party on Saturday!


  1. Oooh, very clever - it looks fabulous! Moo Moo is going to look very cool in his new hat.

  2. Hooray! You're over the fear of hat-making!!!! See... not so scary after all, is it?

    You'll have the hippest nephews in town!

  3. That is an awesome little man's hat! I might be after you to make them for my little guys!

  4. That hat is so very gorgeous. He indeed will be the suavest kid in the place. Again I say you are so amazingly talented.

  5. Agree with Julz- very cool. I have ummed and aahed about this pattern- you are convincing me...

  6. It's so cool Cam, I can't believe you made it. I mean I can believe YOU made it, but you know what i mean , it's awesome!! xo

  7. cool :D hmmm this reminds me I don't actually have a fedora...this must be remedied

  8. you are so clever. those boys must love their aunty

  9. As long as you teach them to doff their hats when a lady passes :)

  10. clever you, i have not overcome my hat making fear yet though!

  11. love your new look! did I miss the unveiling?? sorry, I've been having computer troubles :-(
    Well it looks fab :-)

    And so does that fedora! You are so clever - I think anything other than a floppy bucket hat and I wouldn't even comtemplate it.

  12. What that book..."Feel the fear and do it anyway"?! :) Well done Cam, the hat looks really great Moo Moo will be super stylish xo

  13. Get out! That is fantastic Cam! LOVE it.

  14. You hit the nail on the head Suave it is. Terrific.

  15. I love the hat! you are so clever.
    What a lucky little boy :)

    Also, your banner is great

  16. The hat is amazing. Very smooth. Fedoras and waistcoats are so classy in my opinion.


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