
Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My sister found this poor little dolls cradle for the twins, abandoned on the naturestrip a couple of weeks ago.

It had the mattress and pillow with it, so I made some new covers using leftover Bot-Camp scraps. They even have zips so they can be taken off and washed (completely necessary with those two rascals).

Sure it needs a slight bit of repair, and a new paint job....

But Woody is quite happy with it just the way it is...

*apparently Sisters hubby isn't quite as impressed that his twin sons have a new dolly cradle!


  1. So cute!

    Glad to see they have a doll's cot ... I'm guessing they may have a real baby to help look after one day. They may as well get some practice in now.

  2. do I spy a Bridget Jones reference? Mark Darcy liked her just the way she is! I am glad woody likes it, I like it just the way it is too.

  3. Nothing wrong with cultivating some snaggy boys. My twin boys had Barry, the anatomically correct boy doll. He still lives under the bed somewhere and they now delight in looking after a baby sister who is ten years and one week younger than them!

  4. That's awesome! My hubby would feel the same but I bet the twins love it?

  5. That's a fantastic find - I bet they adore it. (My boys have loved having a little pram to wheel various teddies, as well as Woody and Buzz in. Sometimes its even made a trip to the shopping centre).

  6. Fabulous find! I wouldn't even paint it. I agree with Woody, it is perfect just the way it is.

  7. Even boy toys need a fantastic place to sleep! :)

  8. Great find - fathers do tend to be a funny - my son had a $2 baby born from a garage sale and a stroller, which he loved. I found a similar item on the street at council clean up, but is has been spray painted barbie pink, so I will repaint, but this one actually looks OK.
    I hope they enjoy it.

  9. It's lovely and I'm sure I had one just like it as a girl. x

  10. LOL ;-)) i bet he isnt men like boys to be boys ;-)) Lovely cradle and the little covers, seeing woody took me back my boys have grown up with Toy story got to love it, dee x

  11. So glad Woody has somewhere suitable to rest his weary plastic head!

  12. Wow - what a find! And seriously, Woody and Buzz need somewhere to sleep too - maybe Dad could paint it metallic silver or something and call it a rocket ship if he has a problem!

    And that manchester you have made is perfect for two little boys. Actually one of the mum's in our mother's group made fabulous dolls quilts for all the kids last Christmas - and the boys loved theirs as much as the girls!

  13. Men are funny, aren't they? Seriously it will not hurt a little boy's development to have a cradle in the room. We have an old side-of-the-road doll's house for my boys, full of Power Rangers and boys' stuff. Also, my kids used to go straight to the dolls houses at friends' places, because it was different. It has not interfered at all with their love of lego, star wars, car, automobiles and balls. Swear!

    Woody looks excellent in his new bed.

  14. A truly fantastic find. A fresh coat of paint and it'll be good as the day it was made.
    I rather like the covers you chose.

  15. what a great find. lucky its gone to a good home. your BIL will get over it when he sees his boys putting lizards and bugs in it like my kids did


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