Friday, March 11, 2011

A Bespoke Giveaway

Have you heard about *bespoke* Magazine?

It's a sweet little full-colour Australian print zine which is also available in digital download form.
*bespoke* is published by Jessica Van Den from Epheriell Designs.
I bought myself a copy of Issue 1, and will also be buying myself a copy of Issue 2 (especially with that beautiful cover)!
Issue 2 of *bespoke* features a huge array of Aussie and international crafty types, and has articles including:

  • Vintage crafts - rag ruggin'
  • How to find your vintage era
  • A tutorial on how to carve a sweet birdie stamp
  • The stories of 3 women who gave up corporate careers to launch thriving creative businesses
  • Thrive - an interview with a crafty lady making a full-time living from her upcycled kimono jewellery
*bespoke* is written totally by the community, for the community and is always on the lookout for submissions from artists, photographers, handmade and vintage business owners etc.

The good news is that Jess has very generously donated two copies for me to give away on the blog. All you need to do is leave a comment. Please make sure that your email address is enabled within your blogger id so that I can get in contact if you win.

I will draw a winner using the random number generator at 8PM Thursday 17th March..

Good Luck!


Silver said...

Ooh, awesome! I'd love to win a copy. ;D Thanks for the giveaway!

(And ... I hope my e-mail addy is enabled. The option to e-mail me when there are new responses is available, which makes me think it is enabled. But if it's not, you can reach me at @starncrossbones on Twitter, too. :D)

nicole said...

such a pretty cover! drooooooooooooooool!

yardage girl said...

Lovely - I haven't seen this one before. I need more zines to be addicted to! Nic
P.S. I assume you mean you'll draw it on 17 March not Feb! Coffee time!

Cat from Raspberry Rainbow said...

Yes, please. I have been wondering when the new one was coming out. Great giveaway!

rachaelps said...
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rachaelps said...

I have been on the lookout for a new magazine to get the inspiration going....this may well be it.

Christy said...

It looks very pretty!! Would love to read it. :) Thanks for the chance!

MyLittleBlueDog said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win I've never heard of this zine so I'll certainly look for it now, cover is gorgeous.

Jennifer Rose said...

that is a gorgeous cover :) such great colours

Gillian R said...

Such a beautiful illustration on the cover!! And sounds like great reads too. Count me in please Cam. ♥

Megan.K. said...

This looks lovely.

Tania said...

Yes please - throw me in the mix! That is one glorious cover illo...

Jo in TAS said...

Oh that cover is divine, looks like it's a must read!!

Tanya said...

thanks Cam. I agree, that cover looks fantastic

Tas said...

That cover is divine. It sounds like a fabulous magazine. Thanks for letting us know about it.

Christine M said...

I've never seen Bespoke before. It looks a lovely magazine.

Michelle said...

I love Bespoke! I got the first issue and fell in love. Such a beautifully made zine.

our shabby cottage said...

Wow, I had never heard of 'Bespoke' before today, I love the cover of this one too. I'd would so love to win one!!!

teddybearswednesday said...

me too!Sounds like it's full of fabulous stuff! xo

Bron said...

Thanks for sharing it looks like a great time waster!

Catherine said...

the cover is just gorgeous... and the contents sound really interesting!

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

would love to see inside- thank you Cam!!

willywagtail said...

I think I would frame a picture like that. It is just perfect. Cherrie

Melissa G said...

Oh my gosh! That cover art is heavenly. I am having a Wayne's World “I am not worthy” experience.

gret said...

Ooh, sounds like my kind of zine! Count me in!

Janine said...

Wow, a stunning cover AND chock full of enticing articles... thanks for the opportunity Cam, count me in!

Maxabella said...

I hadn't heard of this publication before... thanks for letting us all know!! x

Bron66 said...

Looks like a great magazine! I would love to have a look at it!

Easy peasy organic said...

This magazine looks *awesome*! Can't wait to win - uh, I mean buy - it!

Tina said...

If you are willing to post to the states I would love to win a copy!


Selina said...

Looks lovely, I'd love to win a copy!

Carolyn said...

What a beautiful cover. Who can resist shades of pink!Sounds like a good read too.

Anna Bartlett said...

What a superb cover. Yes, please count me in!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting about this zine - looks great! Love to win a copy otherwise I'll be off to purchase one. Divine cover!!

Sheeprustler said...

It's very beautiful cover :)

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

The front cover is stunning. You can put my hat in the ring.

Chloe said...

oo that cover looks enchanting! I've heard really great things about Bespoke & equally, its author (^_^)

the rag rugging article will be interesting!

thankyou for sharing =)


Cathie said...

what a gorgeous cover ♥

Rebecca said...

lucky i saw that tweet of yours! i love it!! :)

willow and moo said...

The cover art makes me WANT!

MooBear Designs said...

oh i loved the first one!! Never clicked that the earrings I purchased were at all connected hehe... I was hoping to submit a few projects but alas not this time around.

Count me in and I will cherish it forever and always Cam...

xo Steph

Carly Findlay said...

So generous :)

lana said...

This sounds like such a fab mag... thanks for showing us. xx

Paula Lemos said...

Sounds wonderful! Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

fantastic giveaway. Thanks Curly Pops and Jess. I would absolutely love to win a copy of *bespoke*.

zoesquid said...

Gosh my crafting days have fallen by the way side lately. This may be the motivation I need. Now if I could just find the time. Please count me in.

Lauren said...

Count me in please!

small forest said...

Im so glad you linked this to my page or I wouldnt have seen it. Love this new zine and the image is stunning, x

Kylie said...

Thanks for introducing me to such a gorgeous zine. That cover is divine. Will have to go take a closer look in person!

Anonymous said...

this magazine looks awesome so gorgeous and full of great stuff...fingers crossed, thanks for letting us know about it Cam

Liz said...

What a gorgeous, gorgeous cover image! And it sounds like it is full of wonderful articles :)

My Handmadehappiness said...

wow what a lovely cover I am intrigued :) count me in thanx for hosting :)

Michelle said...

I've already subscribed, so don't count me in, Cam. But isn't the cover AMAZING!!!!!

Rachael said...

What a gorgeous cover. Would love to win a copy thanks!

Shelley said...

Wow, another magazine to inspire & get addicted to..!!

Beautiful cover too. It's going straight to my "frame it" pile if I win :-)

I don't have a blog yet, but here's my email address:


Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed. It's such a great zine!!

Unknown said...

I'd love a copy , thanks !

Bianca Jae Makes Stuff said...

Count me in Cam! I love mags ;)

trudi@maudeandme said...

This sounds wonderful and looks so beautiful too.

Wombat's Picnic said...

Always looking for new inspiration - thanks for the opportunity to "win"a copy:)

Sally Cooper said...

yessssss pleeeease!

Loonlijstmama said...

I'd love to win one and find my favourite vintage era - the more because 17 3 is a special day for me!

Kirsten said...

Gosh - that IS a gorgeous cover. Lucky I decided to be undisciplined and go beyond reading your creative spaces LOL.
She reminds me of some fabric I have - with ladies dressed in gowns made from flowers. Here's a pic -

shaynna said...

I dont care what is inside - Im buying for the cover - stunning!!!

Claire said...

I can't believe I haven't seen this before - it looks fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway :D

Stacey said...

Beautiful, beautiful cover!

Brianna said...

Lucky last (maybe)! Love the cover, so gorgeous!

Zane Wooder said...

That cover is so beautiful and artistic. Please keep sharing this type of art with us.

-Zane of ontario honey