
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


There's a distinct lack of sewing happening at my place at the moment.

Between my own ongoing medical dramas and constant appointments, and that of Mr Limpy Houdini Dog, all of my available sewing time and energy seems to have vanished into thin air.

I'm hoping that this lovely stack of teatowels from Margaret at Konstant Kaos will give me some much need inspiration and motivation to just get on with it!

Well that, and a motivating kick up the behind from the NCB girls tonight!


  1. Wow thats a great looking bunch of tea towels. I hope your health is ok and not coursing you to many problems. Enjoy sewing when you can ;-) dee x

  2. I hope you get back into the swing of things soon & feeling better nice & quick x.

  3. I hope life relaxes for you soon. Don't those teatowels look special all stacked up like that? Beatiful for inspiration but only if you are ready for it. Cherrie

  4. If those tea towels don't make you and LHD feel better, I don't know what will!

    Hope you both have a lovely day.

  5. Hope you're feeling better and have some time to craft soon, Cam.

  6. Tea towel envy just overtook me for a moment..can't wait to see what you do with them! Wishing you more good health too.

  7. I'm sorry to hear you've been under the weather somewhat. Sending healing thoughts and white light your way. Hope Limping Houdini Dog feels better soon too. That's a very cheery bunch of teatowels. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them. x

  8. that is one gorgeous stack of teatowels...
    it was nice "sort of" meeting you last night - I was not at all good at introducing myself... (I was sitting next to Jess). I hope the medical dramas settle down, and that you get the time and energy you need.


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