Saturday, March 26, 2011


I was driving around running errands earlier this week when I spotted a sign for a new Op Shop.

Now that's the sort of sign that I can't resist, so I immediately added it to the days itinerary!

When I walked inside, it all seemed familiar..... and suddenly made sense. One of the local churches is undergoing a renovation and so they've moved their Op Shop onto the grounds of a different local church so that they can keep trading.

Even though I hadn't visited that oppy since late last year, the lady behind the counter still remembered me from when I was madly buying all the random knitting needles for my Fringe Festival Exhibition last year.

I came home with two whole shopping bags full of goodies, but this was my favourite find of the day. I haven't actually tried it on yet, so fingers crossed that it actually fits!


Unknown said...

Thats really lovely, beautiful colours ;-) have a lovely weekend, dee x

mel @ loved handmade said...

what gorgeous colours!! A lucky find, it's just lovely..

zigsma said...

You have op shop celebrity status! Very pretty dress! Can we see your other purchases please?

Tas said...

Oh it is sweet. I hope that it fits you too :)

bec said...

It reminds me of Amy Butler fabric, I didn't reralise you took it hom (I was too thrilled with my purchases!)

MooBear Designs said...

Cam it better fit you...

Xo Steph

Nelly said...

Ahhh opshops who can resist?Not me!!

manda said...

I thought you meant a frill-necked lizard when you had that title! lol
Great find! I got some awesome stuff the other day, I must do a post on some of it. I'm a little under the weather after this week though, so perhaps after a rest up this weekend I'll feel better.
Hugs Cam!!!

Julia said...

love the colors and the little bit of frill!

Jennifer Rose said...

ooh very nice print to that dress :) gorgeous colours too!

*fingers crossed it fits*

Ange Moore said...

Great dress and I love the frills!!

Margaret said...

Very retro, colours of the 1980s and still in style you will look so swish.

Claire Gale said...

that is one beautiful dress you've found there. great score!

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous!
Me lovey lovey.

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

OMG! LOve the dress. And I agree, why write straight onto things, drives me berko!

Can't wait to see more pics of you in the dress - it's a knockout!

Zane Wooder said...

I love that the dress is green. People are afraid to make cloths green. I think green is a pretty color.

-Zane of ontario honey