
Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Creative Space + Mr Limpy Houdini Dog

If you've been reading my blatherings on twitter or facebook, you would have heard about the trials and tribulations of poor little Mr Limpy Houdini Dog.

He's been having some problems with a knee that keeps dislocating, so after a couple of vet's visits, some arthritis shots, and some painkillers, he's off to see the surgeon tomorrow morning to get the final determination on a knee reconstruction.

He usually spends most of his time lying on his granny blankie on the couch, but at the moment, he has to just lie on the floor as he can't jump up onto the couch with his dodgy knee.

After my nephew came to visit after school yesterday afternoon to help me take poor Mr Limpy to the vet, I arrived home to the following.....

I'm assuming it's a Mr Limpy dog accessible stairway to the couch.... creative yes?

The home of my creative space


  1. Oh that is so thoughtful of your nephew! Just gorgeous. I hope Mr Houdini dog is on the mend soon.

  2. So nice from your newphew! Sending healing vibes to Mr Houdini!

  3. It looks like a stairway to heaven to me! Nice cushions and a rug on the couch.

  4. Oh that is so sweet. Poor Mr Houdini dog, I hope he feels better soon, I'm sure with that lovely crocheted rug to curl up on he'll be on the mend soon enough. x

  5. Awww. yes, very creative. Take care limpy Houdini dog, hope everything works out well!


  6. Very creative indeed. Hope poor Mr Houdini feels better soon. Gimpy knees are no fun. :-(

  7. So cute and creative. All the best for Mr Limpy Houdini Dog, hope his knee gets sorted soon!

  8. thats so cute :D poor houdini :( sky is having problems with her right hock, so x rays are needed to see what the problem is. thank goodness for vets, just wish they were not so much lol

  9. oh poor houdini! hope the surgeons news is good today!

  10. How sweet. I hope all goes well. Poor little tyke.

  11. looks like your nephew has inherited thoughtfullness from his aunt.
    Hope Houdini is leaping on the couch with ease in the near future xo

  12. oh, poor little thing, cushions are lovely company

  13. Poor Houdini ! I saw steps for dogs in a catalogue the other day , all carpeted only about $150!!!!

  14. Poor Mr Limpy Houdini Dog. So very sweet of your nephew's to build him a little staircase.

  15. That's a stairway to heaven if I've ever seen one!

  16. Poor doggie hope he is on the mend soon.

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  18. What a sweetheart your nephew is!! Poor limpy dog :-(

  19. Oh poor Houdini ... that can't be any fun! And then a trip to the vets to add to the stress. Hope the surgeon can do something to help and that it doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

  20. That is so sweet, what a nephew! Hope limpy is better soon.

  21. That has really raised a smile, CP. Such a cute and loving gesture for poor Mr Limpy with his dicky hip. You are a superstar doggy mumma! x

  22. Poor, poor Houdini Dog. Hope all is better quick sticks on the limpy front...x

  23. Exactly. Stairway to couch heaven. Your nephew's empathy is wonderful.

  24. Awww - Sweet. A doggy stairway to comfort :)

  25. I would suggest a ramp instead of steps for the dog. Also, if he sleeps on a human bed at night, a ramp to a blanket chest is an easier transition (especially if you have a 15" mattress). My corgi has his ACL replaced, so this is experience talking.

    Best of luck,
    Redmond, WA


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