
Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Creative Space

Trying to get the production line going... not very successfully.

Too many ideas, too many crazy tangents, and not enough time!

The home of My Creative Space


  1. I know just how you feel. I have to many deadlines and not enough time at the moment. probably shouldn't be surfing the net at the moment.

  2. I don't have any deadlines, but too many ideas,not enough time and have no idea where to start. I'm the Queen of Indecision.
    At least you have them all lined up nicely in your workspace, that's a start.

  3. these look fabulous!!! I know there are never enough hours in the day.

  4. They look lovely!!!

    I Love a good production line .... Hmmm but I do know what you mean, I'm up to my elbows in fox softie parts at the moe! hahaha

  5. He he... Don't we all feel like that at times! All there is for it is to work hard, head down and bottom up!

  6. You'll be on a roll today ! Tell me does your sidewinder work ? I always have so much trouble with mine .

  7. Looks like it will be a busy day for you. Are you preparing for the Thornbury market?

  8. Oh, I know what you mean. Sometimes it's just too many ideas for one head and the perfect recipe for a sleepless night. Love you production line though. G x

  9. Love the idea of a production line! But then that ruins spontaneity and creative flare!

  10. Times like this you might need to recruit a few friends and family to actually become a production line, no?! x

  11. I find chocolate always helps! Doesn't prioritise anything for you but certainly makes you feel better about it!

  12. Well, it looks neat and orderly. Why didn't they allocate 30 hours to a day when they were inventing days?

  13. Visiting from creative spaces ... and I think we all know the feeling... it'll come together I'm sure :)

  14. I hope you get into "the line" - I still have piles like that from last year! I'm not good at the "the line"!

  15. I am terrible at production lines! They get over-run with other stuff so often. I like the comment earlier about chocolate helping. I find chocolate and good coffee immensely helpful!

  16. well, you certainly *look* organised!!
    I'm sitting here with tonight's checklist next to me trying really hard to pretend to be organised...not working too well though :-)
    time for another cuppa me thinks!!

  17. We understand you so well! Same dilemma here... and worst thing is, sometimes the crazy ideas just stucking in our head, because actually we should do something else, and it's kind of blocking our work flow...
    We should just let it go, but then we see the storage room full of supplies... it has to melt first...

  18. It looks incredibly promising though... and that's half the battle I think. I often stop and look at my 'workspace' and wonder how the hell I can 'work' in this mess at all? And then I stay up and work through until it's all finished. And then I realise that I have to be up in 2 hours... so I hope you have better time management than that!

  19. You look so organised! The perfect start to get that production line moving.

  20. uh huh, uh huh, i know the crazy tangents well ... although I could just be easily distracted, or a terrible multitaker!
    Love your production line


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