
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Female Awards 2011 - A call for your help!

When I arrived home Monday night to find that the Cosmo FFF nominations had been released, I forgot to explain how it all works. I was completely lost in the flurry of excitement.....

At that stage, I didn't even realise that it was also in the print version of the magazine.

I'm there at the top right hand side of the page.

This is currently the first round of voting.

Terms and Conditions from the Cosmo Website:

  • FIRST ROUND OF VOTING: Voting for the first round finalists will begin on 4 April, 2011 and will close at noon (AEST) on 9 May, 2011. To vote for who you think should be selected as a winner go to and follow the prompts. To provide a valid vote, readers will be asked to complete a full voting form (whereby they select their choice of winner in each category). Voting form must be submitted as instructed. The 3 nominees in each category with the most number of votes will proceed to the Final Finalist Round. 
  • FINAL ROUND OF VOTING: commences 6 June, 2011 and closes 11:59pm (AEST) 18 July, 2011. The three finalists from each category will appear online at between 6 June, 2011 and 18 July, 2011. Readers will be called to vote online for the Finalist they believe should be the winner of each category and the overall Cosmopolitan FFF brought to you by Libra. 

So this is my call for everyones help.....

I would dearly love to make it through to the final round as one of the top three in the blogging category. I'm up against some really stiff competition (especially the fashion and foodie blogs).

To make your vote count, you have to vote in every category, but you don't have to enter your details at the end (that's just for if you would like to enter the competition). Keep voting throughout the month too. There's been over 100,000 votes in the entire competition so far.

If you could please ask your friends and family to vote, share the links amongst your various social networks, tweet, facebook, blog etc.

Us crafty peeps are fabulous at banding together for a good cause, so lets see if we can win!


  1. I ahve already voted Cam but of course will share the links!!!

  2. Only if "we" can have a party when "we" win? With streamers & chocolate crackles & pink milk & everything?

  3. i will BRING the chocolate crackles & pink milk when "we " win ♥
    go Cam!! ♥

  4. I think I've done it right this time! But it's difficult to keep your splendid qualities down to just 25 words. lol Cherrie

  5. Done! Fingers, Toes, Legs, Arms and Eyes crossed for you! :)

  6. I voted "informally" the first time obviously (I gave up about 3 categories in, and thought it would be enough!)
    I've voted properly now - phew!

  7. I've voted for you! Hoping you'll win..remind me when the next round comes along too, please.

  8. Good for you Cam!
    Terribly exciting.
    Can't stop and chat now, must go and cast my vote.

  9. I'm done too Cam! Pink milk and I'm definately there....

  10. So will there be an ace prize if you win? Do you get a trophy?

    I have voted and will be sending bestest winning thoughts from this hemisphere.

  11. This is the most exciting news Cam, I had voted for you via the Punky & Me link but didn't realsise I had to vote for all categories so I did it again.

  12. i have voted for you Cam, good luck with it!

  13. Yay, Cam! I already voted. But we can vote again? Righto, I'm off to make another vote!!

  14. You got my vote...!! Good Luck!!

    Have got to say, was this an Australian lineup? Just that I didn't know any of the other women in any of the categories!! Seriously! Who are they? You were the only name and face I knew!!


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