
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Grand Designs....of sorts (with apologies to Kevin McCloud)

 In the car on the morning of his surgery

Have I blogged about the saga of poor litle Mr Limpy Houdini Bucket Head Dog?

It's been going on for soooo long now that I can't even remember, but I've managed to create a photologue on my mobile phone while keeping the family up to date on his progress, so I thought I'd share!

Anyhow, a couple of months ago, he managed to injure his knee (goodness only knows how considering he spends 99% of his time on the couch or snuggled up in his bed).

I took him to the vet, and we tried anti-inflammatories and weekly arthritis injections, but it didn't get any better.

He was still limping around on three legs after four weeks of treatment, so the vet decided that he needed a knee re-construction.

I love this photo (taken on my mobile phone in the vet carpark) - Mr Limpy and Ms Wheezy.
The sun was so bright that I couldn't actually see the shadows on the photo until I came inside.

He had surgery, and stayed in hospital for a couple of nights so that they could keep him confined in a small space..... and then poor Mr Limpy came home with a giant bucket on his head!

He couldn't jump onto the couch anymore, so he and his granny blankie were banished to the floor.

I seriously considered sewing a fabric cover for that ugly plastic bucket, but I feared that if I took it off for long enough to make a pattern, he'd be sure to chew his stitches, and end up back at the vets.

Last week, he was finally able to take out the stitches and take off the bucket.... which meant that I was back to having the dilemma of trying to stop him from attempting to jump on the couch, as the vet said that this might put extra strain on his other joints.

Since my nephews attempt at making a stairway using cushions, I've been thinking about types of ramps.

I joined in with Bec and Brianna's op shopping expedition after work on Wednesday, and they mentioned that they'd seen a foam triangle cushion at the oppy that could be used as a ramp. The oppy wanted $25!!! That's highway robbery.. sheesh!

But while driving home, I had a Grand Design brainwave (it doesn't happen often, but it does happen).

Do you remember my brooch stand?


  1. That is one lucky, loved doggie - genius, Cam!

  2. Oh the "doggie stairs" are just perfect!

  3. That is one lucky doggie! We had an arthritic dog stay with us for a while and we had to fashion all sorts of ramps etc so that he could live comfortably with us and still be able to get out onto the grass. The things you'll do for your furry friends!!

  4. So stylish! My limpy kitty goes up a triangle pillow set on my roll-on cabin bag luggage thingo. You totally win! Look how happy he looks! Hope the knee is all good after such a saga.

  5. They are the most jazzy set of steps I've ever seen..and it looks like he's conquered them very happily..or is that hoppily?

  6. I tell you what. Poor Old Mr Limpy is one lucky dog.
    how many dogs would have such a set of snazzy steps all of their own xo

  7. O bless him i hope he gets better soon, and those steps what a great idea he is one lucky doggie ;-)) dee x

  8. I think I just fell in love with you a little bit more.

  9. Genius!! Hope he gets better soon.

  10. Oh wow! Mr Limpy is a very lucky dog to be looked after so well by you Ms Wheezy. Very beautiful stairs!

  11. Man!! That looks beautiful. cherrie

  12. Mr Limpy is one dog with designer tastes. Glad that all is going well for him.

  13. that is such a great idea :D and much better coloured than boring steps you can get!
    ahh the dreaded cone of shame :/ sky didn't need one for her stitches thankfully, would have drove her insane trying to run in the park with it on, would have been funny tho :p

  14. Mr Limpy is one lucky doggie with such stylish staircase to his grand stand! Hope he feels better soon!!

  15. Poor Mr Limpy :( hope the op did the job and his knees feel better soon.

    Love his staircase... But have to say very surprised that nobody commented on his gorgeous crochet blanky, now that is ne LUCKY puppy!!!

  16. ha!

    the things we do for our beloveds.

    The knee surgury is big time - hound just had his weekly arthritis shots too. Nothing is cheap.

    Glad he is on the mend and his name wont be mr limpy bucket head dog for much longer.


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