Friday, April 29, 2011

It's the biggest event of the year!

Supermarket Cake, Betty Crocker Frosting, and Hundreds & Thousands

It's my birthday..... and apparently there's some other event happening today which has transfixed the attention of the entire world.

Did someone say Royal Wedding???

Prince Moo Moo (after cake) and Princess CurlyPops

I had a little early birthday celebration on Tuesday while my mum was visiting (not that I actually need an excuse to eat chocolate cake)!

The Royal Subjects

The Royal Subjects were disinterested in the pomp and ceremony of the occassion. They were only there for the cake.

The Royal kiss was thwarted by a rascally Prince Moo Moo.... he was more interested in a second helping of the chocolate cake too.

Let's hope Wills and Kate are more successful tonight!

*The crown partyhats were actually completely unintentional - they just happened to be the only ones in the supermarket on Tuesday!


Marg said...

Happy Birthday Cam, I hope you have a really lovely day.

Ellieboo said...

Happy Birthday - I am curtseying as I type this, Have a good day.

Vireya said...

Have a great day, Cam!

Selina said...

Have the happiest of birthdays Cam! Hope you get more choccie cake today and all weekend long (the older we get, the longer we need to drag these celebrations out for, right?!)


Ady said...

Happy birthday, Cam!! Wishing you a wonderful and blessed day. You look wonderful in the photos. The cake looks very yummy!

Tanya said...

Happy Birthday Cam and a right royal kiss to you. Have a fun day

Bec Clarke said...

How exciting, Happy Birthday. I have to admit I love Wills & kate!!! I can't wait until tonight, I have to put the video on as we have the in-laws over for dinner!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Christine M said...

Wishing you a happy birthday Cam. I hope you have a lovely day!

Jennifer Rose said...

happy birthday!! :D

(i will be so glad when the wedding is done and over with, so sick of hearing about it everywhere)

trudi@maudeandme said...

Happy Birthday! Hope the government can give you a special birthday present!Listening to the news and thinking of you.

yardage girl said...

Happy birthday Cam - today really is all about you! Enjoy!

Nikki said...

I'm not remotely interested in any weddings, but I'm sending lots of happy birthday vibes your way!!!

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday, Princess Curlypops! Hope you have a wonderful day xx

Vic said...

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
You look stunning in a paper ha-at,
Happy birthday to YOU!


Bron said...

Happy Birthday to you..have a lovely day celebrating what ever you do.

Cathie said...

sure they were unintentional Cam! i bet you've always wanted to be a princess. today is your day, what else is happening in the world..I have no idea.
have the bestest day ever lovely friend. hope to see you soon.
hugs ♥

Adele - A Lass from Downunder said...

Sending you a heap of happy birthday wishes Cam and I hope you have a lovely day and get to eat lots of cake and other goodies! I'm sure that your holographic crowns sparkled as much as the royal ones.

Jennie said...

Happy Birthday Princess Cam!
Hope you have a lovely day, lots of love from us!♥XXX

teddybearswednesday said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY special Cam!!!
What an important day today is, because it's YOUR birthday.
All the fuss really should be about you xo

Lola Nova said...

Happy Birthday lovely lady!

Christina Lowry said...

Yay! Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day and lots more cake!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Cam...Hope you have a Great Day...

Naturally Carol said...

Happy happy birthday Cam!!! The party hat suits're a real princess..or was that a drama queen?? Have a wonderful day and an amazing year ahead. I'll be watching that royal event!

Anna Bartlett said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you! And there'll be big celebrations every year from now on too. Not that there weren't already, of course, but now no-one who reads a paper or watches the news will ever forget your birthday! WooHoo! said...

Have a fabulous birthday lovely Cam. Hugs xxx

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Cam!!!
Love the party hats...and yummy cake...
I hope your day is just wonderful...
and maybe you might even bump into a few Princes too...

ejorpin said...

Mmmmm, cake........and Happy Birthday to you too!

flowerpress said...

Happy Birthday Cam :-)

Kelly Casanova said...

Happy Birthday, the sun is shining just for you today!

quilary said...

Happy Birthday to you! How dare that other lot try to overshadow your special day!

Wendy said...

Hope it's the loveliest of days, Cam...enjoy!


Jennie said...

Happy birthday! Wish you were in the UK today so you could claim the public holiday was for you.

Tas said...

Happy birthday Cam. You have it all over some pompous royal wedding lol.

Beck said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful Cam!! Hope it's extra special and happy and fun xo

Unknown said...

Happy the pics, too cute

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, dee x

Leonie @ Cuppa and Cake said...

Happy birthday Cam!!! Love the pic's xx

Tania said...

Wedding schmedding. This is so YOUR day! Happiest of happies Cam. x

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Cam!


Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Happy birthday chicko! I left a little teaser on my blog for you. xxx

Swirlyarts said...

Happy Birthday :)

Lou said...

Happy Birthday Cam!!!

willow and moo said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope you've had a fabulous day.

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Cam! Big birthday hugs for you!!

Fiona said...

Happy Birthday, Cam!

Janice said...

Happy Birthday Princess Cam. I hope you had a wonderful day and ate lots of that chocolate cake.

PaisleyJade said...

Ooo - I missed saying happy birthday to you! Hope you had a wonderful day. xoxo

Ulla said...

Happy Birthday, Cam! I hope you enjoyed the wedding and the cake too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
Enjoy your cake.