
Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Creative Space....

I didn't think that I was going to play along with my creative space today.

Yesterday was a very emotional day. I don't know whether its something I'm willing to blog about or not. At times like this, I always feel the need to just DO something, and that's what I'm planning on.

Suffice to say, that lastnights creativity on the couch (the little scanned doodle above), is the begnnings of that something..... spurred on by an email convo with Megan (thankyou Megan).

I'm just waiting on a little envelope to arrive before I can spill the beans on my plans.....

The home of my creative space


  1. I am always inspired by your strength of character, and hope there is a little more sun today xx

  2. You are an inspiration Cam - all my love for whatever you are going through. Love your art - super cute.

  3. I always say my craft is my therapy. Am intrigued by whats in the envelope.

  4. I do hope all is well in your part of the world Cam and I hope the mystery envelope brings GOOD TIDINGS!

    You deserve GOOD THINGS =-)

  5. Hope you are feelng a bit cheerier today mate :( hate those downer days.

    Lookng forward to seeing whats in the envelope :)

  6. Hey, we all have to have those days in order to appreciate the brighter ones. Hope it's brighter for you today sweetheart.


    p.s. I so have to add my word verification. "bedliker" how appropriate. I know that describes me when I have an emotional day. xx

  7. I hope today is better, Cam, and I'm looking forward to you "spilling the beans" on your project!

  8. Cam - lots of love to you!

    & thank you. x

  9. Interesting doodle - and I wonder what's in the mystery envelope?? Good for you 'doing something!' crafting is very therapeutic!

    happy thoughts and sunshine for you from Cairns!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  10. Sigh... Those days are NO fun at all! Here's to a little light at the end of the tunnel, a little patience, a little hope, and a little peace. Those will usually help with whatever ails, though it's not easy. Sending good wishes your way.

  11. Big hugs to you Cam. You are such a strong woman - an inspiration to everyone. Hope the clouds part today for you.

  12. Thinking of you Cam. Hope today is a better one.

  13. Well if it's hot water bottle goodness - i've done that for this week's creative space, good for the soul after a week of ups & downs. Happy blogging whatever topics you wish, love Posie

  14. When things beyond your control get to you, it does help doing something creative. I hope today goes better for you.

  15. hugs to you Cam, hope your day is a good one! look forward to seeing whats in the envelope!


  16. Big love, thoughts and hugs to you Cam.
    Hope today's a bit better than yesterday xo

  17. I have to say I love the minimalist look, very Scandinavian. If only i could implement minimalist! I do hope today will be a great day for you, and hope the weather is nice in Victoria, my sister said it was freezing and pouring rain in Melbourne yesterday. Best wishes to you and yours.

  18. Sewing is my medicine too. I'm wondering where you are going with this. Hope the sun shines a little stronger for you today. Cherrie

  19. Having a bit of a disconcerting disjointed day myself. I'm glad you've found a way through all that. It looks like an interesting production!

  20. Ah, that is no good about your sad day. I hope things resolve soon, meanwhile keep crafting, you trooper! xx

  21. I hope everything is okay, Cam. x

  22. hope that the little envelope has good news! crossing all my digits for you

  23. You are inspirational, Cam. I hope the envelope comes through soon and brings with it a ray of sunshine. Hugs! x

  24. It's a really beautiful little doodle :)
    I'm a big believer in doing something creative everyday... I finds it always makes me feel better... Hope all is ok :)

  25. Love the doodle, hope everything works itself out soon.

  26. I hope the envelope puts a smile back on your face, hugs dee x

  27. YAY cam! Well i was also imspired after talking to you and spent all evening re-doing my blog to make it more presentable. I taught myself how to add your hottie cover button to my page and I am desperately trying to recruit more crafters onto the hottie challenge. My lovely older neighbour Gitta is a fantastic embroiderer. I might ask her will she do one as well!


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