
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Skirting Around

I have a birthday party to go along to this coming weekend, and it's fancy dress (for the kiddies thankfully - not for me)!

I bought the birthday girl some gorgeous red stockings from My Poppet last month, so I just wanted to make a little skirt that she could wear with them.

With exactly zero size 6 models on hand and available, I winged it, and then put out a call for help on twitter regarding the length (I wanted it to be just sitting at the knee).

Kate came to the rescue, as fortunately she had two little size 6 models playing in the yard.

I've forgotten to take photos of the side seams, but I did a lovely flat felled (at least I think that's what it's called) seam with two lines of red top stitiching down either side.

I think it's super cute, so I hope the birthday girl does too!


  1. Oh, it's lovely, I can just see it with the red stockings!

  2. You can't go wrong with a skirt for a little girl! Nice one Cam.

  3. Cute skirt. Love the Wizard of Oz tape you used.

  4. Cute skirt! I'd fancy something like that even though I'm not size 6 ;)

  5. I agree..I think it's super cute too!

  6. What a beautiful little skirt. I like the sound of those top-stitched seams too. Nice!

  7. Gorgeous Cam, its adorable, I'm sure its going to be a real hit. That ribbon trim really makes it.

  8. What a gorgeous little present ;-) dee x

  9. Flat felled seams are a favourite of mine for adding an easy decorative feature.

    My kit arrived today. YAY!! Think I've worked out what I'm going to do. Need to get started, someone else may have the same idea ~ but I'm sure it won't matter.

  10. So very, very sweet! I love it.

  11. This is so cute. That ribbon is adorable!

    Katie x


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