
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

65 Roses Community Quilt via Whip Up

Do you remember a while back when Kathreen from Whip Up put a call out for crafters to get involved in making a quilt square for the 65 Roses Community Quilt?

I jumped at the chance with this lovely girl in mind...

Photo from Whip Up - used with permission

Kathreen collected squares from all over the world, put them together, and made this extraordianary quilt. She explains all of the wonderful details in her post on Whip Up.

Photo from Whip Up - used with permission

The quilt will be auctioned at an upcoming gala event for The Australian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation with the proceeds going directly to CF research.

I love it when I get to craft for such a great cause!

PS - Thanks to everyone who left lovely messages yesterday. Unfortunately I didn't have my email set up properly on the new blog, so I couldn't reply directly to everyone!


  1. Great Job from Everyone Involved..I'm sure it will do well...
    Pretty Quilt.

  2. It looks soooo good! I'm sure it will raise a heap!

  3. I love the way it is woven with roses in it's design. I hope they raise lots of money with it!

  4. Oh my goodness, it's soo beautiful ! xo

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this. It is great to finally see it all together. Cherrie

  6. Oh, it looks gorgeous! I was going to try and do one last year, and ran out of time. So good to see the finished product! I'm sure it will raise lots of money!

  7. My name is there too, I made a block. We have CF in our family. I never heard anymore about it, so emailed Kathreen a few weeks ago for an update on the quilt and auction. Looks Great - hope it raises heaps of the folding stuff!

  8. Such a beautiful quilt - I hope it raises lots of money!

  9. I love your little square, the quilt looks beautiful too!

  10. Well done Ms Pops, hasn't it all come together beautifully! I hope the auction is very successful to raise money for the foundation. I can see my little block near the book (light green gingham square in the corner) For the rose square, I designed, hand coloured and embroidered a trio of roses. The finished quilt looks lovely combining everyone's blocks (from round the world). It has a fresh gardeny feel to it.


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