
Monday, June 27, 2011

An Accidental Self Portrait

A few weeks ago, a friend asked me to make a handmade doll to give as a baby gift.
I'm always up for a sewing challenge so of course I agreed to give it a go!

Fast forward a couple of weeks..... and I'd completely forgotten (whoops).

I put my skates on (amongst the ladies lunch, and nephews first communion) over the weekend and made a beginning.

I started off with thinking about making the Emily Martin - Black Apple Doll from Martha Stewart, but that's not the sort of design she was looking for.

So, using my own very unscientific method, I took it upon myself to sketch a doll, and then make my own cardboard pattern from the sketch.

That was the easy bit..... working out how you're going to sew it so that it's strong enough not to tear, deciding where to leave an effective turning gap, turning those pesky long skinny limbs out, and then stuffing it is much more difficult!

Those pesky long legs are my favourite bit....

Here she is all crinkly and unstuffed. I was so happy when she was finally turned out without a tear or a rip... phew.

This is where she ended up yesterday arvo before I rushed off to church for the first communion (it's ok, I made sure that I de-fluffed my dress before I left the house).

Looking at her on the bench lastnight has got me thinking though..... I've managed to create a doll that has my actual body shape - really narrow shoulders, skinny limbs, a fat belly and no bum! Hilarious!


  1. That IS hilarious! Now all you need's a blue hairdo! I love her too!

  2. I like her hair. How tall is she all up?

  3. She looks great. I love her blue pigtails!

  4. I love her all-in-one floral underwear..the lace around the bottom of them reminds me of witches britches..a fad when I was nine years the sixties!

  5. That's so gorgeous, love the fabric & lacey trim!

  6. I love her, particularly that hair!! It's wild!!!

  7. Looking totally gorgeous - Love the pretty shoes and her lace edged bloomers.

  8. I must admit that I did a double take when I read "Emily Martin" ...

  9. I love the shape - the long body and legs!! Brilliant!

  10. Heh, heh. Just call her Cam. Great job.

  11. She's a keeper! The hair is cool and the long legs are fantastic!!

  12. The doll is adorable!
    Good luck with your speech, I hope the hotties will raise lots of money.

  13. It's amazing where inspiration comes from isn't it?
    Wonderful thing, our subconscious.

  14. oh she's so cute

    is her name 'Milla?

  15. I love her hair! That is SO you teehee. Love how you sew it sll on, the the backing, awesome. I would have sturggle with this, you are just so clever, dammit!

  16. She is looking gorgeous. And I absolutely adore the lace topped knee highs!

  17. She's so beautiful.
    I love her flowery frilly bloomers...

    I'm sure she'll be loved!

  18. Oh my, she's looking wonderful! Everything about her makes me smile!

  19. Oh she is simpy delightful Cam - love her hair!!!

  20. I've noticed that the long lassie is not in your usual colourway so am glad to see that at least the pattern is! Cherrie

  21. she is adorbale can't wait to see her finished!!!!!

  22. She's looks gorgeous already! Can't wait to see a photo of her plumper self. I thought she looked a bit like a blue haired Pippy Longstocking in the last photo :)


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