
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I finally had a chance to finish my long awaited doiley skirt yesterday morning....

....and my favourite thing about it is..... (well, other than the super gorgeous fabric from Michelle)


I'm a pocket girl. Can't leave the house without lip balm and tissues and my phone in my pocket.

The skirt ended up being a hybrid of various designs.

I initially made myself a pattern in January of this year based on the a-line skirt in Sew What Skirts. As my weight constantly fluctuates, I had a bit of a problem with the final fitment and had to take in the side seams a little.

I desperately needed pockets, so I took the pocket pattern from the Too Cute Tunic Dress in Pip's Sew La Tea Do book, and inserted it into the side seams of the skirt.

I drafted my own facing pieces and interfaced them to make sure that they sit nicely at the front and back. The zip at the back isn't perfect, but it's completely adequate for me.

Guess what I'm wearing out the door today?


  1. The skirt is beautiful, but look at your adorable skinny legs!!!

  2. I love it! i want it! Please sell it to me!

  3. This looks fantastic on you! Lovely.

  4. Clever girl!!.. And cute skirt!

    (And haven't you come a long way since your first skirt-making adventure?)

  5. That material looks even more stunning now it is made up. Great job.

  6. Excellent doily skirt Cam! And you are totally rocking the leggings-with-skirt look - a favourite of Niamh's too! :)

  7. Magnificent job! Looks very pretty. I'm sure your zippy is fine.

  8. very cute! I always love a doily :-)

  9. Great skirt Cam!! Although if you wore it up in this part of the world you'd be adding boots, tights and possibly leg warmers...freeeeezing today! xo

  10. Oh...How I love pockets!!! Great skirt cam. xx

  11. I think you should be wearing it out the door today, tomorrow and the next day too! Love it! And your ankles. I'm incredibly jealous.

  12. Gotta love a doily skirt!!
    Looks brilliant - I love the whole outfit. I just need legs like yours tho!!X

  13. It is stunning. Classic black and white is always stylish.

  14. Gorgeous!!!gorgeous!!!gorgeous!!!
    Love that fabric Cam...
    I'd be wearing it out the door too...

  15. Oh so fantastic! Lipgloss, tissues and phone? Check!

  16. Good work! I'm always forgetting to put pockets in skirts.

  17. looks gorgeous Cam, well done. I'm a pockets girl too. Stay warm today!

  18. It´s really a lovely skirt. Did you make the a-line skirt with the elastic? I like your tunic dresses from Pips book too very much. One day I´ll try it too :)

  19. Love the skirt teamed with all that plain black. Very cool and sophisticated, you can walk proudly with that outfit on!

  20. Love your doily skirt Cam! Your pins (that'd be your legs) are looking pretty good as well :-)

  21. Lovely skirt! I just got that book in the post today (the skirt one). Yay!

  22. I agree that skirts need pockets. I woke up last night having dreamt about finally finding the perfect a-line skirt pattern - spooky!

  23. Ooohhh, love it Cam!
    And I love the idea of pockets and the fabric too.
    I hope lots of people asked you where you bought it today.

  24. So cute...LOVE it!
    ..and enjoy your blog :)

  25. I love it and I loe it even more because it has pockets. I am a pocket girl too.

  26. What a gorgeous skirt! And I completely understand the need for pockets - I've pretty much reached the stage where I will only buy dresses that have pockets...

    And ps. I am in awe of your pattern maker/seamstress skills!

  27. Love it! The fabric and the shape will make it a really versatile piece - dressing it up or down, you will look fab!

  28. Oh my! This is so gorgeous! I have doily envy.


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